An Open Letter from Gawkbox CEO Chris Brownridge (about the Wallet & Store Update)

GawkBox Official
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2018

Since our launch just 12 months ago, we have seen over 300,000 users sign up for GawkBox to support their favorite Creators. It’s been an amazing start and we are astounded by how we’ve been able to play a part in changing lives of so many creators.

That all said, GawkBox is still in its very early stages, and our platform is far from perfect. We’ve set out to bring live streams to life by providing tools for viewers to interact with their favorite creators and communities. We genuinely believe that by enabling every viewer to engage more, we will help Creators turn their hobbies into sustainable careers. It started simply with sponsored donations and it will continue to become much more.

We’ve counted on — and are extremely grateful to — our community who has played an enormous role in helping craft our direction and improve our product. In fact, this update was built from two key pieces of feedback we’ve heard in the past 12 months:

  1. Timing:

Your viewers often miss on screen alerts when they complete sponsored donations as they complete tasks or events when you are not broadcasting.

2. Boring Alerts

Your viewers want more exciting on stream alerts.

It’s about to get much spicier than the GawkBox “G”.

We are happy to announce that in light of this feedback, we are releasing Wallet & Store today.

With the Wallet functionality, when your viewers complete offers, the funds will be saved to their own personal GawkBox Wallet.

This means they will be able to earn funds into their wallet at any time of the day; at school, at work, or on the bus, and then use those funds to donate to you during your broadcasts.

Viewers will be able to complete more offers than ever before by removing the restriction of completing offers during broadcast times. Wallet also supports adding funds via PayPal.

As a GawkBox Creator, you will have your own personalized Storefront on your profile. Viewers will be able to use the funds from their GawkBox wallet to donate to you by purchasing stickers and animated gifs on stream. Look out for cool new stickers in the stores regularly, and of if you have any more ideas for what you’d want to see in your store, we’d love to hear them!

By enabling Viewers to save up funds earned from offers and donate to you by purchasing on stream stickers, we are creating a better opportunity for every single member of your audience to participate in an exciting way and support you.

This release marks a major milestone in our development, but is just the start of what we are hoping to achieve this year. We’re excited to partner with such an amazing community for the ride — truly, we couldn’t have done it without you. If you’ve got more suggestions on what to build in the future, please — let us know.

Thank you!

— Chris Brownridge, CEO



GawkBox Official
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