GawkBox @ PAX West/Hoodie Giveaways!

GawkBox Official
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2017

Finally, PAX is here! We’ve been waiting all year for the wonderful event that happens in our beautiful Seattle backyard.

We want to meet you at PAX. The first person to find us and post a selfie with us on twitter with the tag @mygawkbox will get a free GawkBox hoodie. But that’s not all, we’ve got a whole bunch of hoodies. If you’re reading this now, YOU’VE got a chance at a free hoodie. Post your GawkBox link along with the tag @mygawkbox on twitter, and we’ll send a random winner a hoodie early next week.

Wanna be the first to meet up at PAX and get that sweet hoodie? Hit me up at and let’s plan a meetup. Don’t know what I look like? Check out this week’s stream at 2PM PST on

Final Fantasy XV Hoodie Giveaway!

Aww Yiss, that’s right.

We’ve adjusted the tip amount on Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire to a whopping $80 ($60 on Android) at level 21 in certain areas!

That’s not all. The first user to hit that heft payout will win themselves (and the creator of their choice) a brand new GawkBox hoodie. You’ve got to be the first though, so get to it!

Streamer Spotlight: Incon!

“Gawkbox has increased the number of viewers who are able to donate by allowing hundreds of people who did not have any money to still donate.” — Incon

Incon has multiplied his GawkBox earnings by almost 600% this month. We wanted to figure out why.

“In order to get fans engaged you need two major things. One and the most important, is rewards. People want to spend time in order to get something for themselves. Choose something that your community wants, and let them know the Top X people on the leaderboard get a reward! The bigger the reward the bigger the engagement!”

Woah, good idea, Incon. We asked just how many GawkBox tips he’s pulling in:

“ For me, anywhere between 15%-50% of my total tips are now coming from gawkbox. These are all tips that viewers are giving for free, it does not cost them a dime.”

Clearly, Incon knows what he’s doing. So what makes his Twitch channel so unique?

“ Making your stream unique is the one of most important things you can do as a streamer. For me, I have tourettes which manifest in facial movement, these movements are extremly apparent while streaming my webcam. I embraced the fact that I twitch uncontrollably and marketed myself as the ‘Twitchiest Community on Twitch’. Embrace what makes you different, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Wear the things about you that make you uncomfortable as armour and they can never be used against you.”

Catch Incon’s next stream at

The GawkBox LiveShow will go on at 2PM PST this Thursday at We’ve got a special live surprise for y’all, don’t miss it!

That’s it, y’all. Catch you next week.

— Zak_Fom_GawkBox



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