The Fuel of Fandom for Content Creators

GawkBox Official
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2017

There’s a reason that we all work as hard as we do; why we pull all-nighters, until our eyes are sore and our minds tired — for the fans. Whether its emotionally or financially, we need their support.

It all comes back to the fans. If they’re not happy, entertained and wanting more, then your (and our) proverbial ship is proverbially sunk. As such, we’re making strides to help you make your fans happy, creators. So, without further ado, our grand reveal for the week — Fan Accounts and Leaderboards!

No longer will your tippers be anonymous! They’ll now be able to use our fan login functionality to create a profile and appear on your creator dashboard when they tip you! Furthermore, the top 10 tippers will end up on your leaderboard, so you’ll be able to see just who your biggest fans really are. Check it out — it’s the area highlighted in blue to the right of Chris’ apps.

He’s so happy because Deadpool’s his top fan. Chris loves Deadpool.

This is a big step in the direction of rewarding fans for interacting with your profile, with more to come. Give your top fans a shout-out!

Moving on, we’ve got a brand-new podcast episode for you — this time, I spoke to Jay of the channel YaBoiiJay. He’s a fascinating guy and a superb creator. Give it a listen, share it around!

That’s it for this week, creators. We’re spending long hours trying to get everything just right, so let us know if you have any feedback at; it’s definitely appreciated. I’ve already gotten a few requests to be on the podcast, keep em coming! Send those to

Until next time,

Zak From GawkBox



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