Welcome, Creators: An Update from GawkBox

GawkBox Official
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2017

Hello, Creators!

Welcome to GawkBox. We’re here to tear down the barriers that stand between you and your closest and most dedicated fans. We’re really excited about all the things that are to come here at GawkBox, so I figured I’d share some with you. But first — here’s what’s rolling out the door currently.

  • eCPM Tracker: eCPM (or, effective cost per thousand impressions) is a sort of fidgety advertising term that folks have been using to quantify how much an ad/page pays per thousand visits (or views, or clicks, or downloads, etc…), you may recognize it from your YouTube channel, in fact. Our eCPM tracker allows you to understand which offers your fans are interacting with. The higher-priced offers will raise your average eCPM, and lower offers will lower it. The number has no bearing on how much you’ll make, it’s just an extra bit of insight for you.
  • Quick Site Redesign: Notice the sleek new design? The sharper edges and new videos? We’re doing all we can to make the site simpler and easy to navigate, as well as provide you with all the info you need to get rolling.
  • Bug Fixes and UI Tweaks: It’s getting better all the time~~

As for the (very near) future, we’ve got some big developments and projects that we’re testing and tweaking to get to you as soon as we can —

  • Fan Accounts: Oh boy, are we excited about this one. Soon, your fans will be able to have their own unique login info and profile so that you can identify who’s tipping you and when. We’re thinking about some internal messaging and things like that as well; got any ideas? (support@gawkbox.com)
  • Leaderboards: We’re excited about this one too — maybe even more so than the Fan Accounts! As your fans tip you, our system will track how much they’re tipping you and display it on a leaderboard on your profile so that you can see who your most dedicated fans really are. Does your channel do giveaways or shout-outs? Maybe pick the top 2 or 3 fans off of your GawkBox leaderboard and give ’em some love!
  • Direct tips and Smoother payment: We’ve made some critical moves to make payment easier for us and you — soon, you’ll be able to pick when you’d like to get paid, and you’ll have a convenient hub for your tax and payment info! What’s more, fans will have the option to tip you directly if they choose not to pay via sponsored tip.

Those are the big ones for us currently — as well as all of the other things that we’re constantly working on improving. That said, we’re interested in your feedback! What should we work on next? (support@gawkbox.com)

Good talk and happy creating,




GawkBox Official
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