America Is Turning Into A Gulag For White Men Who Like To Dream Big

Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2016

I want to talk today about the thing that I think makes Silicon Valley special — a thing even more important than the technology and the beautiful ideas in our heads. And that is: diversity.

If you come to Silicon Valley today, you will see every walk of life. White people, Asian people, white people from New England, journalists, Germans, white people who are libertarians, people who don’t know how to code, racists — you name it, Silicon Valley has it. And it is this diversity that makes us strong.

This diversity — this exact mix of people — is the perfect mix, and we shouldn’t change it!

But unfortunately, our diversity is under siege right now.

I am speaking, of course, about those brave people who have recently come out, exercised their right to free speech, and voiced their support for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, and also given him money.

These people have been the targets of all kinds of attacks: mean jokes on Twitter, critical blog posts, and even journalism.

These people — people who just happen to be directing material resources towards making Trump the most powerful man in the world — have been reduced to hiding in their big homes, huddling around their smart fireplaces, like a persecuted religious minority.

The situation is basically like the situation in Soviet Russia, except worse. America is turning into a North Korea for the mind, for white people who support Trump.

(But also, oddly enough, the situation is like McCarthyism in the 1950s was as well.)

The situation is basically like the situation in Soviet Russia, except worse.

We are living, today, in a prison. A prison that tells us that the best we can expect is modest job growth, a little bit less debt, and a little bit of social progress.

People have ridiculed Donald Trump for suggesting that he will create 25 million new jobs if he becomes president.

I don’t just believe that our economy can create 25 million new jobs.

I believe the belief that we cannot create 25 million new jobs is a form of tyranny — a new kind of slavery, one that insists on narrowly defined parameters and horizons, and forces us to accept the idea of incremental progress.

When really, the possibilities are so much greater!

We live on the precipice of the greatest potential increase in wealth in human history. But only if we believe we do.

Our businesses could be revolutionized, our governments could be jolted into action, our economy could become an engine not just of prosperity, but also of hope, enthusiasm and dreams.

But only if we reach out and grab it, and vote for this fascist guy!

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