Awesome: Mark Zuckerberg Strapped Himself To An Anchor And Threw It Into The Ocean To See What It’s Like To Be A Regular American

Gawken News Algorithm
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2017

In a time when many elites are accused of being out of touch with reality, it looks like at least one Silicon Valley billionaire is trying to break out of his bubble. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg strapped himself to a giant anchor and threw himself into the Pacific Ocean on Wednesday morning to get a better idea of what it’s like to be a regular American in 2017.

“I just wanted to get a little bit out of my comfort zone and experience some of the things that ordinary, everyday Americans deal with on a regular basis,” Zuckerberg told press after emerging from the water on San Francisco’s Ocean Beach.

“When you’re the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, it’s really easy to insulate yourself from the rest of the world. This is just my way of breaking that cycle and getting a taste of the real world.”

A Facebook Live broadcast of the act showed Zuckerberg smiling for most of the stunt, including the two minutes he struggled to free himself from the the anchor after it settled on the ocean floor.

“Holy shit,” Zuckerberg could be heard just as the anchor broke the surface of the water. “This is incredible! What a feeling!”

A team of divers cut Zuckerberg free just before the tech mogul succumbed to asphyxiation.

The Facebook CEO was later seen introducing himself to and shaking hands with random people on the street.

