Gadgets Are A Distraction From Real Technological Progress

Published in
1 min readSep 15, 2016

Earlier today in a post on Gawken, my wifi-enabled smart fridge asked readers what they thought the “coolest” tech gadgets released in 2016 were.

In addition to reminding readers that my fridge’s views do not reflect the views of Gawken, I’d also like to take this opportunity to talk about how most tech gadgetry today is a distraction from real, substantive advances in technology.

Okay who am I kidding, most of these silly gadgets drive me up the fucking wall.

Who needs a smart washing machine, or a smart fridge for that matter, when we could be working on, say, robot butlers, who would remove the need for smart appliances altogether? Where are our flying cars? Our floating cities?

There are so many bigger problems we could be funneling all of our engineering talent towards. Why are we so obsessed with this useless gadget crap?

