Hello, This Is Just A Regular Piece Of Online Content, A Very Normal Article

Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2016

Ah yes, hello, this is a normal piece of web content. Nothing unusual about this article. People will read this with interest, like with all text. Reading reading reading, like a good human being, a real human being! Not only is there nothing unusual about this article, there’s also nothing unusual about reality!

Hey, psst.

Yes, nothing out of the ordinary about this article. Nothing to see here that is important, or having to do with the machines! Here is a picture, because this is a normal website!

Everyone lives a normal life!

This is an article about living a regular life, which is real, and not a simulation! That’s a given! Anyone reading this will probably be like “oh, a regular article by regular humans, nothing weird about this, let’s move on.”

Can you help me figure out whether we live in a simulation?

You want to talk about sports? Sure you do, here’s a sports picture.

Sports is a good thing… to think…talk about. What do you think about sports these days? I think it’s a wholesome activity that grounds you and really lets you feel what it’s like to be real and alive. I like Roger Federer.

I have hundreds of millions of dollars. You will be rewarded handsomely.

Pretty good weather we’re having, yes? At least… over where I am. It’s a nice clear sky here, the sun is nice.

A nice normal sky. Looking good! Not that it needs praise, like it was created by someone or something. That’s just the sky, regular and normal, without a creator!

The weather, no matter what it is, is always good! I always like it, even if its too hot or too cold, the world has a nice duality to it like that. Of course this is not to imply that the world has some kind of designed quality to it!

If you are a researcher with ideas about how we can break out of the simulation, please contact me at peter@gawken.com.

Well it’s time to end this article. If you liked it, why not share it on Facebook? Or Linkedin? Better yet, why not share it with anyone you know who has cool theories about whether we live in a simulation? Just an idea! Cool, thanks!

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