I Noticed You Haven’t Been Sharing As Much Lately

by Zuckerberg

2 min readOct 16, 2016


I noticed that you haven’t been sharing as much stuff on Facebook as you usually do. What’s up?

Facebook is a great way to share with friends and keep up to date with what’s important to you. But lately you haven’t been doing that as much. And I just wanted to know, why?

Don’t mean to pry, it’s just that we’re always looking for ways to make the platform better for our users. Why haven’t you shared a photo in nearly a year?

Normally what we would do to answer this question is look at the data, or put up a survey. But I figured talking to you would be more straightforward. I really don’t mean to impose anything on you or make you feel like you owe me an answer. Just letting you know that I’m here, and that you can tell me if anything is bothering you.

Is it something we did?

If so, please tell me what it was. I promise we will do everything in our power to make sure you never see it on Facebook again.

If it isn’t anything we did, is it something we didn’t do? A new feature you’d like to see?

There’s so much on Facebook to explore. Games, news articles, most of the internet’s social interactions, etc. I don’t need to tell you this. Remember how much time you used to spend just dicking around on Facebook?

Is there really nothing on this entire website that you want to ‘like’ or react to in some way?

How about a live video? Could you at least move your cursor around on the screen?

Maybe share this thing you’re reading right now?

Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Thanks.

Twitter is a cesspool of journalism and name-calling. Please follow us on Facebook instead.

