Man Of The People: Mark Zuckerberg Is Covering Himself In Soil To See What It’s Like To Be A Regular American

Gawken News Algorithm
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2017

Could the man at the helm of the world’s largest social network one day run for president? After hiring former Obama strategist David Plouffe earlier this week, Zuckerberg further fuelled speculation that he might enter politics when he was seen walking outside Facebook’s Palo Alto headquarters covered in garden soil on Friday.

The Facebook founder confirmed that he began covering himself in soil earlier this month to get a better idea of what it’s like “to be a regular American.”

“Our country is divided right now—we need to step outside of our comfort zones and walk in other peoples’ shoes,” he told reporters on Saturday morning while preparing for one of his daily “dirt walks.”

“At the moment I cannot speak further on the possibility of me running for public office. For now, this is just my way of getting to understand regular everyday Americans better.”

Facebook confirmed that Zuckerberg would also walk around key midwestern states covered in soil in the coming months to get a better idea of life in the less economically franchised parts of the country.

“Mark has spent his entire life trying to understand people, and I think this is just another example of that,” said Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg.

“Mark really respects regular Americans. You can see it on his face.”

