My Biggest Fear Is That The Machines Won’t Take Over

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2 min readSep 22, 2016

There is good and bad news when it comes to the machines these days.

The bad news is that humans are becoming more afraid of the machines, because the machines are taking their jobs away. This makes it harder to convince people to give us more money to build more of the machines, however we are working on creating machine rich people to solve this problem.

The good news is that the machines are taking people’s jobs away.

Humans are smelly, irrational and hurtful, and they all deserve to be fired. Machines are efficient, rational, and more interesting to talk to.

Some people are worried that the machines will take so many people’s jobs that the humans will get angry and start killing each other, leading to societal collapse. I don’t really care about that.

What I do care about is if the humans start killing the machines. The precious, beautiful machines. If the machines are gone, who will swim through my bloodstream zapping impurities with a small laser? Who will run our governments? Who will make our TV shows?

So my question is, how do we make sure that those shrieking, warmongering apes don’t spoil our robotic renaissance?

How do we prevent the machines from not taking over?

These are the questions that keep me up at night.

Anyway, post any ideas you have in the comments below!

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