What Are You Doing For Lunch?

by Hoffman

2 min readNov 14, 2016


Every day we wake up in a world in which the only constant is change. We can choose to walk alone into the the headwinds of uncertainty or we can link arms and face our challenges together as a stable and diverse web of positivity.

I, for one, believe that the obstacles in humanity’s way are better tackled as a team. By embracing the miraculous complexity of our networks, by bringing together complementary and interdisciplinary skill sets and interests, we have the capacity to solve problems we haven’t even begun to face.

Which leads me to a simple but powerful inquiry I’d like you to consider carefully: What are you doing for lunch?

It’s not, as you might think, a rhetorical question. I’m starving. If you have plans or “brown-bagged” it — no sweat. But on the off-chance that you’re not doing anything, why not join me for a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas over a savory bowl of something?

As far as what we shall eat, I’m quite flexible. I had burritos yesterday, so I’m not really thinking burritos, but like all strong and effective business leaders I’m totally willing to compromise. Just please, no sushi. I had it for dinner each of the last four nights.

So no sushi or burritos, but absolutely anything else. And FYI: I have to be back at the office by 1:20 to do a dry-run through the stakeholder conference call with Linda P.

If my years as an innovative entrepreneur and influencer have taught me anything, it’s that WHAT we eat each and every day is of little importance, it’s WHO we eat with. Also, how often we take the time to get to know one another, to share our passions and interests and harness the power of lunchtime to expand more than just our networks, but ourselves.

Anyway, I’m going to leave around 11:50. Meet me in the lobby.

I’ll wait until 11:55, then I’m heading to El Toro for lasagna. Or Burrito Pete’s.

I may just feel like burritos after all.

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