What, Exactly, is A ‘Chapstick Lesbian’? 7 Lesbian Trending Terms to Know in 2024

Gay Moms Club
Gay Moms Club
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2024


Just because you’re already a mom, or you’re in the planning stages of expanding your family, doesn’t mean you have to stay behind when it comes to the lingo of the lesbians. In 2024, there are so many terms — like for example, what exactly is a chapstick lesbian? What is a stone butch? What does #F4F stand for?

Some terms have been around for quite a while, while others seem to have come about with the rise of TikTok. Keep in mind: you don’t have to use labels or terminology if you don’t want to. But in case you’re curious, we think that knowing trendy lesbian terms can be a fun, understanding and even silly way to connect with your lesbian girlies.

After all, according to one Slate article, “Having terminology creates community: If a word exists to describe something, the implication is that the concept is important enough to merit a term, that there’s a critical mass in need of this word.”

Even if trending terms seem goofy or not, the lesbian lexicon seems to be expanding, bringing new ways of self-expression and identity for all of us. Here are the seven lesbian trending terms to know about in 2024 (and beyond!) below.

If you’re a lesbian, these are the 7 terms you should know

