Tony Adams
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2015


On Our 32nd Anniversary

There are at least twelve thousand justifiable reasons to end a marriage, a love affair or a friendship. Men never quite measure up to your expectations. There are at least twelve thousand ways in which a man can disappoint you or hurt you when you give your life over to him. If you seize upon these reasons and his imperfections, you will walk. You’ll find another man, reset the odometer and find those twelve thousand flaws in someone new.

On your more rational days, you’ll look into the mirror and know that there are twelve thousand ways in which you yourself are a disastrous friend, lover or husband. But on your wisest of days, you’ll count twelve thousand reasons for loving him, not the least of which is that he loves you back.

Today is my seventh wedding anniversary and the anniversary of the day I met Christopher thirty-two years ago. I shudder to think of the times we could have called it quits, and of how terrible it would have been to let our dissatisfactions overrule the irreplaceable good we find in each other. His wisdom, kindness, patience and beauty are all I have and all I ever will have. For twelve thousand days we have been together and he has given me countless reasons to want twelve thousand more.



Tony Adams

gay, playwright/editor/journalist/blogger/travel writer