God Made Me Gay

Evangelical Christians disagree

Mike Rosebush, PhD
5 min readJul 24, 2023


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American Psychological Association:

“There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.”

Evangelical Explanation

Evangelical Protestants differ from the American Psychological Association’s definition of causation. Evangelicals almost universally believe in “Sola Scriptura.” This principle maintains that the Protestant bible was inspired by God, infallible, and the sole source of “Truth.”

Evangelicals believe that God originally made one man and one woman, who first populated the human race. Furthermore, Evangelicals believe that God’s design was for males to be attracted to females; they form one union and procreate. Thus explains, they say, the only proper definition of marriage and human sexuality: marriage and sex are exclusively reserved for one heterosexual man with his one heterosexual wife.

So how do Evangelicals explain the causation of homosexuality?

Theologically, Evangelicals would tell you that this difference was due to “the fall” of Adam and Eve. They believe that sin entered into human nature, corrupting God’s perfect prototype.

But how do Evangelicals explain the scientific cause of homosexuality?

Evangelicals latched onto a “Reparative Therapy” explanation of causation. As the theory goes, homosexuals are “broken” and therefore need to be “repaired.” This brokenness was supposedly caused by the young son not properly emotionally connecting with his distant dad. Thus when the son reached puberty, he was fascinated with males instead of females.

Conversion therapists traditionally used any combination of the following “cures” of “fixing the brokenness” of gays. First, the gay male needs to hang around “masculine” men, adopt their mannerisms and enjoy their masculine hobbies. Also, the gay male must repress looking at or fantasizing about attractive males. Such a void would therefore result in the gay male spontaneously developing attraction toward females.

Evangelical conversion therapists would additionally emphasize the “cures” of only referring to oneself as a “heterosexual” and never referring to self as “gay.” Also, Evangelical counselors would emphasize that one could “pray away” the gayness and arrive at heterosexuality. Finally, some more conservative religious counselors would assume that the gay male was possessed by a “demon of homosexuality” — requiring an exorcism for the cure.

Evangelicals almost universally refer to homosexuality as a “disorder” of one’s thoughts, sexual attraction, and relationship with God.

Other Evangelicals view homosexuality as identical to the Apostle Paul’s “thorn in his side” — a bothersome affliction that God chooses not to heal.

In summary, Evangelicals seem to agree that there is something “wrong” with the gay person. A “cause” is provided, behavioral practices are required, and the exclusion of a “gay identity” is mandated. Thus, the gay man must either be “restored to wholeness” or remain celibate.

My Situation

Regarding causation, I definitely did not fit the Reparative Therapy model. I adored my dad. I already was plenty masculine (e.g., an all-league football player and former Top Gun fighter pilot). And yet, by puberty, I was nonetheless very interested in male nudity and homoerotic fantasies.

To “fix” me, I spent one year under a Reparative Therapist psychiatrist who held a biblical worldview. Nothing changed in my attraction to attractive men.

Stymied, I was referred to a support group called “Homosexuals Anonymous.” I regularly recited the mantra, “I affirm that my homosexual attractions are a mirage — and that one day I would return to my rightful heterosexuality.” No amount of mantra chanting could eliminate my same-sex attractions.

I concurrently tried to look away from any man whom I found to be attractive. I learned to stare at my feet when the attractive man emerged. I also learned to look away whenever an attractive man appeared in television, movies, magazines, etc. The result of all this repression? The same-sex attraction remained fully intact.

I became so hopeless about sexual orientation change that I considered suicide.

Another Paradigm

But what if God actually likes my homosexuality? What if God always intended that I would possess permanent same-sex attractions? And what if God made me gay?

If such were true, I did not need to be ashamed of being gay.

If such were true, I could relax and confidently proclaim myself “gay.”

If such were true, I could seek a male as my husband.

And that is what happened to me. I lost my shame. I gladly refer to myself as gay. And I found the most wonderful help-mate — my beloved husband.

Why Would God Delight in Gays?

First, God seems to delight in diversity. Every species has fantastic dissimilarity. No two humans are exactly the same.

God seemingly creates some people as straight; others as gay. In the least, God foreknew which sexual orientation each person would develop.

God also seems to have a “relational blueprint” for humans. Usually, a person becomes attracted to another person — the two attempt to get to know each other. Furthermore, the couple indicates their union together. The two become one.

Such is true for straights. Such is true for gays.

Furthermore, God knows that “it is not good for man to be alone.” Isolation from other humans is extremely painful [recall your experience with the covid epidemic].

Tell me this: why wouldn’t God delight in gays?

God prizes humans.

God bestows dignity upon each human being.

And God seems to have a thing for fairness and justice.


Did God create me to be gay? I am uncertain — and so are scientists’ explanations about causation.

I do know this:

· I was very unhappy and unhealthy when I viewed myself as a “disorder” — broken and needing fixing.

· I am certain that God loves me exactly as I am.

· And I am absolutely certain that Jesus will never leave me — and I certainly will never leave Him.

Dr. Mike Rosebush (Ph.D., Counseling Psychology; he, him, his;) is the creator and editor of GAYoda, plus a writer for Backyard Church. A short synopsis of Dr. Rosebush’s life can be found at I Lived the Most Unusual Gay Christian Life Ever. He may be contacted at mikerosebush75@gmail.com.



Mike Rosebush, PhD

Lover of Jesus | Gay Married| Founder/Writer “GAYoda” | Counselor/Encourager