My Walmart Encounter with a MAGA Evangelical

A sweet example of love

Mike Rosebush, PhD
3 min readFeb 8, 2024


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If you get tired of each side spewing their venom, I will tell you a sweet story. Enjoy the encounter!

Today, I was in Walmart buying ingredients for the chili I would make for Super Bowl Sunday. As I debated which can of beans to buy, an elderly gentleman (say, age 80 or older) approached me. He was wearing a camo camping jacket and MAGA hat.

The Conversation

Man: “The Lord told me to tell you to pray.”

Me (thinking to myself): Normally, I am quite suspicious whenever anyone begins their encounter with me with “The Lord told me …”

Man: “At this very moment, the Supreme Court is deciding if President Trump can run again for president. You need to pray that President Trump will again be our president.”

Me (thinking to myself): There is no way in the world that I am voting for Trump to be president again. Thus, I will not be praying for such an outcome. I am, however, a man who often and deeply prays to Jesus. So, I appreciate everyone’s right to pray to Whomever about Whatever.

Man: “I attend [a local, huge Pentecostal church]. We are all committed to getting the word out to pray for President Trump. I have been praying for him all night and will continue to pray throughout this day.”

Me (thinking to myself): I greatly respect this man’s commitment to believing in Jesus and prayer. I, too, believe in Jesus. In fact, I will always be by His side.

Man: “Three liberal women judges ruled that President Trump cannot be on the Colorado ballot.”

Me (thinking to myself): I focused on two keywords that the gentleman had said: “liberal” and “women.” Many Evangelicals have a loathing distrust for “liberals.” They consider most of the ills of today’s culture to be due to liberals. Also, many Evangelicals believe in a patriarchal role — women submitting to men, and certainly not women deciding the fate of America.

Me: “Sir, I can see that you are a very patriotic American and hold highly the right for all people to vote.”

Man: “President Trump is surrounded by nine-foot-tall angels protecting him right now.”

Me: “I respect your faith. You certainly seem like a man who is guided by faith.”

Man: “I am. Please pray for President Trump.”

Me: “Thank you for the chat. I wish you the very best in your devotion to prayer. Goodbye.


I do not hold the same Evangelical beliefs as this gentleman. I am now an Exvangelical. Nor will I be voting for former president Trump. But I regard each life as precious and aim to treat every encounter with love.

This man served his country during a time of war. He is dedicated to Jesus and evangelizing others. He was not combative — just sincerely motivated.

Today, many believe they must “shout down,” even destroy, their enemies. Many people think that America is once again at the doorstep of a civil war. Tribal mentality dictates that each tribe must conquer the other and attain its resources and power.

As for me, I prefer to stay away from tribes. I do not belong to any church denomination or local church. Yet, I love participating in my local, affirming church — where I have received much gracious love.

Likewise, I do not belong to any political party in America. I will be voting as an Independent. And right now, like many Americans, I am at an impasse. I will not be voting for President Trump. I believe that President Biden is too senile to guide our nation properly. I also think that a vote for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., will result in a win for former president Trump. So, I am not campaigning for anyone. But I will vote when the time arises.

I respect the MAGA Evangelical man whom I encountered. I hope he would tell you that I treated him with grace and love.

Because if I cannot love my enemies, then shame on me.

Dr. Mike Rosebush (Ph.D., Counseling Psychology; he, him, his;) is the creator and editor of GAYoda, plus a writer for Backyard Church. A short synopsis of Dr. Rosebush’s life can be found at I Lived the Most Unusual Gay Christian Life Ever. He may be contacted at



Mike Rosebush, PhD

Lover of Jesus | Gay Married| Founder/Writer “GAYoda” | Counselor/Encourager