The Top 10 “Life Lessons of a Loving Gay Christian”

Here are your favorite articles

Mike Rosebush, PhD
5 min readAug 9, 2022


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Which articles were your favorite “life lessons” from my experiences as a gay Christian?

Come see the Top 10 articles, summarized and provided sequentially in a countdown to number 1.

And feel free to read any of the articles you may have missed — or reread your favorites. Enjoy!

10. I Value the Bible AND My Experiences

When my actual life experiences as a loving gay Christian contradict the Bible’s literal text, I trust my experiences.

I have always held the Bible in high value. I read it daily. I search to learn its wisdom and then live it out. However, my own life experiences have taught me that some verses in the Bible cannot be taken literally in today’s culture.

My life experiences have proven more trustworthy than a few highly debatable, literal Bible verses.

And that has made all the difference.

9. I’ll Never Forget the Day My Homosexual Orientation Turned On

Puberty changes everything. And for me, as a gay Christian, puberty was quite the turn-on of my sexual attraction. The following is a true story of my very sheltered background during a time of generations ago.

I learned that being gay is, in many ways, just like being straight.

Come read what is natural for gays and straights alike.

8. You Can Be a Christian and Gay at the Same Time

I have committed my life over to Jesus. He is my God, king, rescuer, and friend. Jesus has committed His life over to me, literally dying for me.

I demonstrate my gratitude to Jesus by providing loving kindness to each person within my sphere of contact. I specifically attempt to love the marginalized, those in the LGBTQ+ community, and especially gay Brothers.

I am also gay and married to a fellow gay Brother. I believe God delights in our marriage — as well as every gay marriage that intends to follow Jesus’ model for marriage. And Jesus’ design consists of mutual sacrificial service, enduring for a lifetime.

Come read about my intersection of being gay while fully aligning with Jesus.

7. Gay Husband, Straight Wife: The Hidden Realities

“Mixed Orientation Marriages” (MOM) among evangelical Christians stand an opportunity to flourish or fail miserably. I was in a MOM for 41 years — separated only by my wife’s death from cancer. Additionally, I have mentored hundreds of evangelical men who possess same-sex attraction (SSA) and are married to a straight evangelical wife.

Here is what I have learned is true from the perspective of the gay husband.

I warn you. Some of this information is raw and painful to read. In contrast, there exist realities that encourage.

6. The Best Site for Gay Christian Men

You are a man who deeply loves Jesus. And you publicly call yourself “gay.” Life brings its challenges, for sure. Fortunately, GAYoda brings you seasoned experience — through intriguing articles, peer crosstalk, and personalized support.

GAYoda is a publication created by Dr. Mike Rosebush. This Medium site delivers something unique: experienced wisdom specifically for the gay Christian man. New articles are written from an intriguing perspective. All pieces are archived for your reading pleasure and review. You will also discover that GAYoda is safe and non-judgmental.

This publication site is, well, something very, very different.

Come and read about a devotion to Jesus from a gay perspective.

5. The Straight Relationship. The Gay Relationship.

Straight and gay relationships alike appear to follow the same shocking divine blueprint. Evangelicals and post-evangelicals, however, apply this blueprint in very different ways. Come and see the blueprint and the contrasting applications!

Here is what I learned about myself during my early relationship with my straight wife.

And here is what I learned about myself during my early relationship with my gay husband.

4. Nudity and the Gay Christian

A significant number of Christian men — straight and gay alike — like to view nudity (via pornography, sexting, and Korean spas). Additionally, gay Christian men show their nudity (via sexting and Koran spas).

Let’s explore the world of nudity for gay Christians!

3. My Insider Story of the “Focus on the Family” v. “Gay Rights” Culture War

I was the vice president of “Focus on the Family” for nine years, from 1995–2004. I was closeted then, and today I am a Christian who is universally out as a gay, affirming man — endorsing equal rights for gay people.

What you are about to read are my “fair-and-balanced” insights. Some of you will disapprove of my association with Focus. Others will disapprove of my respect for gay marriages.

Therefore, with malice toward none and charity toward all, here is the inside scoop.

2. I Lived the Most Unusual Gay Christian Life Ever

“Mike, I have never met anyone like you.”

Yep, I get that a lot!

One of the advantages of living to be 68 is that I have experienced (and shaped!) much of America’s history. I am a gay Christian. And those terms — “gay” and “Christian” — have been uneasy bedmates since my birth in 1953.

Everything about my past has been, well, ahem, complicated. And historic.

1. What Sexual Activity Did Jesus Condemn?

Jesus is quoted as being against two types of sexual activity. These sexual infractions apply to straights and gays alike. But how did the original audiences understand the meaning of these two vices?

And Jesus is shockingly silent on all other sexual activity.

Come and be surprised.

Dr. Mike Rosebush is the founder/author of GAYoda. He has a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and is a retired Licensed Professional Counselor with nine years of counseling and mentoring thousands of gay Christian men. A short synopsis of Dr. Rosebush’s life can be found at I Lived the Most Unusual Gay Christian Life Ever. Please read the complete set of his articles here. You may contact Dr. Rosebush at



Mike Rosebush, PhD

Lover of Jesus | Gay Married| Founder/Writer “GAYoda” | Counselor/Encourager