Your Rainbow Logo is Performative Activism

McKinley Harrop
Gays for Good
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2020
Photo by 42 North from Pexels

Dear companies who put rainbows on their sites for pride month,

I often hold back feelings about this. I feel like I should be grateful for where we are now, considering how far we have come. However, we won’t make more progress if nobody speaks up. So, let’s talk about the fact that making your logo rainbow doesn’t do anything.

We know how many companies support Anti-LGBT groups.

It’s hard to hide where your money is going from everyone. We know what you’re doing and whom you’re supporting. Your rainbow logo may distract some people from that, tricking them into thinking you support them, but that won’t work on everyone.

You could do so much more.

Why stop with a rainbow logo? What about educating people? What about advocating for our rights? You make so much money, and you could do so much with it.

Photo by FransA from Pexels

We have to fight year-round, not just in June.

I know you feel pressure to throw up a rainbow flag for pride month, but we need support year-round. You could do something during the rest of the year. Not just during pride month, or when it’s topical.

It’s not difficult to do more.

Create policies to support your LGBT workers. Donate money to LGBT organizations more regularly. Show your support online more frequently. Speak out against homophobic laws and policies.

Photo by Brianna Swank from Pexels

There are so many ways that you can do more, and it is not difficult. Not doing more is admitting that you don’t want to.



McKinley Harrop
Gays for Good

(she/her) Canadian photographer, graphic designer and writer. Sitcom fanatic and avid Youtube watcher. Founder of