Gender Neutral Clothing is The Future

The lines between menswear and womenswear are becoming increasingly more blurred. Here’s why…

Richard Uyede
GBC College English — Lemonade
5 min readDec 10, 2019


Gender neutral clothing is the future. With Gen Z making up most of the consumer market, we can see that one concept is important for them; gender identity. Statistics show that 38 percent of Gen Z-ers‘strongly agreed’ that gender does not define a person, and 27 percent of millennials agreed. With these statistics in mind, the fashion industry is starting to change its ideas to suit the current zeitgeist.

Modern society wants to be liberated from the restrictions and negative effects of gender labels and it is evident in their clothing choices. Thus, the evolution of streetwear is challenging the outdated binary gender roles reflected in fashion. Streetwear creates an inclusive space for people along all areas of the gender spectrum by promoting a culture that encourages people to express themselves in gender non-conforming ways and designing clothes that are not gender labelled.

Why are this an urgent issue in society? What are the effects?

The issue of gender norms in fashion is an important issue that needs to be addressed in the fashion industry and throughout society as a whole. While people who are transgender have always been alienated, it is also cisgender people on the end of the spectrum who are being treated the same based on the clothes they wear. In a study of men conforming to masculine clothing at work, Ben Barry found that many men’s fashion preferences had become diminished due to a fear of judgement. It is evident that socialization has had a negative impact on people’s willingness to express themselves freely. At a young age, boys are taught that avoiding all things deemed feminine is a necessary part of being a man . Consequently, there is a cost to this upbringing and men pay the price for it. Men who are raised under these conditions see the negative effects: Research has connected their upbringings to poor mental health and emotionally shallow relationships . It is urgent that people do not conform to society’s archaic stereotypes regardless of where they identify themselves on the gender spectrum.

Who and what is causing change?

In contrast to broader society, the culture being promoted through streetwear opposes the prevailing social norms. Rather making one ashamed of their fashion flair, the culture allows people to share their style with confidence . In streetwear, there are many fashion leaders who are leading the movement towards dismissing gender binary clothes. For instance, Jaden smith has become a role model for many young people who have assimilated to streetwear’s idea of true freedom in fashion . Smith has made statements through his fashion in many ways, such as modelling for Louis Vuitton’s womenswear collection, posting numerous pictures in non-binary clothes on Instagram, and taking these outfits to the red carpet. Smith is a figurehead for non-binary clothes in streetwear. Similarly, high profile actors Ezra Miller, Tommy Dorfman, and singer Olly Alexander blurred gender lines by wearing non-conforming clothes to separate red carpet events . Due to the role of the elite, it has never been more acceptable for men to dress with a feminine flair. While things are still not perfect throughout society, the culture that streetwear promotes is changing the face of contemporary fashion. Streetwear is a counterculture which opposes societal norms and allows people to express themselves without conforming to gender roles. The concept of streetwear was originally to be the antithesis of fashion.

“It was a way for men to embrace fashion without being seen — in a homophobic sense — as being gay or feminine.”

Who are the designers behind the gender neutral movement?

Designers are now creating clothes that are gender neutral, rather than being limited to menswear or womenswear. These clothes cater to everyone and do not restrict people based on sex. The most prevalent consumers of gender neutral clothing are the Gen Z generation, who are advocates of a belief that gender is an outdated construct. As a result, the fashion industry is answering to their advocacy. The most forward thinking fashion brands are excited to attract and cater to the younger generation and provide gender fluid clothing. Streetwear designers started a movement that has trickled up to the highest peak of the fashion industry. Moda Operandi introduced its first gender neutral streetwear collectionin 2018 and fast fashion retailer, Zara, started selling gender neutral clothing in 2016 with models of both sexes styled in the same outfits.

Zara clothing modelled by both men and women.

A crop of new brands took a calculated risk to think outside of the gender binary box and sell ungendered clothing. The consumers of these clothes are people who don’t want to be told what is men’s or women’s fashion. In the next four years, these consumers are estimated to account for $143 billion in spending. Thus, Innovative fashion brands such as Comme des Garçons and Rick Owens have embraced gender neutral clothes, and the highest reputable brands like Gucci and Prada are now presenting collections that are simultaneously his and hers. Thus, it is evident that there has been a widespread acceptance throughout the industry of clothes that ignore gender roles.

How are retailers following suit?

Retail shops are also being affected by this ethos that is spreading throughout the fashion industry. Until now, gender-nonconforming people had felt uncomfortable choosing dressing rooms in brick and mortars and disappointed to find nothing is even close to their fit in the first place. Now, one of the most illustrious department stores, Selfridges, has launched Agender; a shopping space where customers can purchase clothes transcending the labels of men’s and women’s.

Agender is an innovative unisex collection and installation at Selfridges

In Winnipeg, vintage retailer Shop Take Care has created a space that is not gendered. Instead of women’s on the left and men’s on the right, they have arranged their clothes by colours.

“I wanted it to be a very safe inclusive space for all gender expressions and identities”

These retailers are changing the narrative and creating inclusive spaces for all gender expressions and identities. By dismissing gender labels in retail environments, people who would previously feel alienated for shopping in gendered spaces can now feel comfortable while looking for their next outfit.

The future..

Streetwear creates an inclusive space for people along all areas of the gender spectrum by promoting a culture that encourages people to express themselves in gender non-conforming ways and designing clothes that are not gender labelled. The progressive attitude of Gen Z is creating a social paradigm shift, forcing the fashion industry to change their values and ideologies regarding gender norms. The binary system negatively impacts people who do not identify with their assigned roles. The concepts of masculinity and femininity are archaic and do not work in modern society. The growing streetwear community is inclusive and accepts people who have been alienated by broader society. Moreover, designers and retailers have followed suit and are starting to change the narrative surrounding gender labels. The positive changes indicate that there is a populous ready for change. The collective thought in society needs to change and emphasize individuality in all aspects of self-expression. When it comes to fashion, there must be complete acceptance and no boundaries based on gender.

