How Depression Can Have Several Consequences in Young Adults

GBC College English — Lemonade
4 min readApr 17, 2019

by Daniela Bor

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Depression is a mental issue. where someone have negative thought all the time making them feel sad and confusion for long period of time, and can have negative consequences in the future treated at the time, but young people are more vulnerable than adults to develop depression. Also when depression is not treated can have serious consequences in the future such as heathy, suicide and addition issues.

According to research published in 2015 “ One in five people with heart failure or coronary artery disease has depression(2015)”.

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To begin with , Depression is a difficult mental issue because mind is not clear at all, but for young adults, and teenager have this issue is not essay to control because their life and everything is changing continuously. According to The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “Released a report which stated that, when young adults (ages 18 to 24) begin taking an antidepressant, the rates of suicidal thoughts and actions increased in some of those being treated (2009)”.

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Antidepressants in some case can help but is no recommended became have a negative effected such as dependent of this for long period developing and addiction to this product because of their chemical components . According to a article by Psycom “The U.S. FDA issues a “black box” warning for all antidepressants in young people up to the age of 24 because of the risk the drugs might increase suicidal thinking and behavior, particularly during the first one to two months of treatment(2019). We someone is going though depression suicide though are common because of the low Self-esteem and insecurity .According to a recent analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “The analysis found an increase in teen suicides across the board between 2007 and 2015(2019)”.As depression in a topic that can be extended because of the several effect that have in body and mental is essay for someone with this mental issue be vulnerable to get addition such as alcohol or drugs.

According to the national institute on drugs abuses ,people mood or anxiety disorder are twice as. likely. to be diagnosed with substances in uses disorder(2007).

Many people uses drugs substances for escapee of their sadness and confusion to feel better but they do not know de consequences that can have drugs makings the process of depression long and hard because usually can have suicide though with depression and drugs together. According to A.J said that “Avoiding emotions, such as sadness, keeps us from processing what is going on”. Usually people who avoid their emotions with time can collapse.

In the recent years there is many ways to help someone with depression without uses meditation because can have serious consequences in adolescents , in adolescents is better to use natural treatments such as yoga therapy many people can reduces the use of medication and managed better their feelings. According to “Lead author Dr. Chris Streeter, associate professor of psychiatry and neurology at Boston University School of Medicine, says that the practice has far fewer side effects and potential drug interactions than mood-altering medications. The most common complaint reported in the study was a small one – temporary muscle soreness – and one participant experienced distressing thoughts while practicing breathing exercises at home”. Also there is more tips natural tips that can help to a young adult to deal with depression such as do exercises help the body to be positive and move :

Dr.miller explain that “In people who are depressed, neuroscientists have noticed that the hippocampus in the brain – the region that helps regulate mood – is smaller. Exercise supports nerve cell growth in the hippocampus, improving nerve cell connections, which helps relieve depression(2013)”.

How help someone with depression:

Depression have many consequences that can extent the process if is not treated at the time. But young adults are more vulnerable that. adults because they are not completely mature and can take refuse in alcohol or drugs when they are going though metal issues like depression. Sometimes is recommended be treated. without antidepressants because can have and impact for long time, But there is another’s activities that can help to treat depression and their consequences such as yoga or just try to meditate for a while can help to distracted.

According to. Dr. Denninger said that “This helps provide some distance from those negative thoughts or stressful feelings, allowing you to recognize that, although they affect you, they are not you,”

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It is recommended to practices activities where the mind keep busy such as Yoga help to have be clear a clear mind and positive thoughts that is important be positive in this situation.

Essay treatments to get out of depression:

  • Listen music
  • Do exercise
  • Sleep 8 hours
  • Eat healthy
  • Go out with family and friends
  • Yoga and meditation

