How powerful is a lipstick?

Ayskell Fernandez
GBC College English — Lemonade
4 min readApr 15, 2019
Photo by Raychan on Unsplash (lipstick)

“If you are sad, add more lipstick and attack”, these strong words from Coco Chanel, evokes feelings of power and confidence, and they are part of makeup effects. As well know cosmetics are products that are used to enhance or alter the physical appearance when wore them. Makeup has been commonly worn since the beginning of humanity. Records of its use has been found from prehistoric period. Human being has created a way to imitate the nature and animals and then decorate themselves to attract a couple and feel confidence. For example, ancients civilization as Egyptians or Romans worn makeup as decorative accessory, protection of the environment or as a way to identify their labor. Nevertheless, the main reason for wearing makeup is beauty and highlight the best of the face. Nowadays, makeup shows more than beauty, it represents a synonyms of social status, confidence and self-expression of people who wear it. Makeup and fashion are similar because they allow to explore many possibilities of style and each person can decide how to wear it. Through makeup people demonstrate their creative side which is vital for expressing personal ideas. Wearing makeup is artistic, creative, fun and you can create your original image. Even though, many people are opposed because they believe that it is a superficial practice because it does not help with self-appreciation which is unwise. However, wearing makeup should be respected and appreciated because it influences positively on self-esteem of women and it influences the perception of her on other people.

Wearing makeup is significant to women because it helps with self-esteem. In others words, if people feel comfortable with themselves, they are happier and they want to live new experiences and share with other people. Applying makeup on the face takes some minutes that you dedicate only for you which is important to elevate your personal appreciation. A natural makeup for every day makes women more confidence. According with recent researches, makeup is used as therapy to recover or increase self-esteem on women with different illness, both physical and psychological. A good mood is fundamental to recover health and cosmetics products give this type of opportunity to women with sickness. Patience with cancer or others illness associated with the skin use cosmetics in a therapeutic way, through workshops that teach them how to apply makeup because they can hide certain marks or create attributes that they have lost due to treatments or as consequences of the sickness. When their self-esteem increase, their quality of life improves in the same way. Woman can recover their identity and their personal image if they have an emotional damage or psychological trauma. The name of some articles can influence on feelings of confidence and mood, for example, the name of this foundation which is “Hello Happy” by Benefits Cosmetics, create an illusion of happiness for people to wear it. Also, its happens with lipstick too, such as red color called “Romance” by Revlon, that can produce confidence to attract the attention. Using makeup is not matter of being pretty or ugly but, is more like appreciating yourself.

Cosmetics products influence the perspective of others people on the person who wear them. Beyond the economic side, makeup is a channel of communication that send messages to the receptors because it is a way of self-expression. People demonstrate their mood, feelings or they project the image that they want to show to others. With makeup you can belong to a specific social group, it depends of the age, colors and style that the person uses. The first impression is produced in seconds and many factors intervene on it, such as clothing, attitude and of course makeup. This impression on other person is really important because it remain in the time and it is difficult to change it. They are produced immediately only from the image and they are unconscious and uncontrollable. For changing this impression, the person has to restate that knows and consider others factors and them, creates another conclusion about someone. However, woman can control that they want to show through makeup. Emotions are part of the life and they can be reflected on the color of lipstick. Also, the “lipstick effect” which is an example that how makeup increase confidence, shows many improvements on different areas of a woman life. According with some surveys, a woman with makeup looks more competent and graceful. Red lipstick makes women attractive. Blush makes you healthy and young. Also, cosmetics influence the capacity of leadership on women. In words of “Why Wearing Lipstick Is a Small Act of Joyful Resistance”, when she says: “Usually, the attention we pay to the aesthetic choices of women in politics is, at best, a distraction or, at worst, a way to undermine a qualified candidate. But, in this case, it felt like an expression of love and solidarity. The color, a blazing red called Beso by Stila, sold out after Ocasio-Cortez tweeted about it” (Thorkelson, 2019) she explains how makeup influence many areas as politician or person that are not associated with the beauty world. Beyond makeup a woman always projects her love for herself and the important thing is to love and respect herself as she is.

To conclude, makeup is part of the society nowadays and it has to be appreciated and respected because it is beneficial for self-esteem and it influences positively on the perspective of some else. Cosmetics help with physical and psychological illness and make you recover confidence therefore the quality of life increase. Also, they can make an effective influence on the impression that other person receives from us because it transmits feelings and is a way of self-expression. Makeup gives the confidence to attack and overcome the obstacles of the life.

