Social Media Has Changed Fashion Forever

And how this is affecting the way you shop

Giovanny Parada
GBC College English — Lemonade
4 min readDec 12, 2019


The emergence of social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) has boosted interest in word of mouth and viral marketing among luxury brands. Word of mouth (WOM) — interpersonal communication about products and services between consumers — is one of the most influential sources of marketplace information for consumers.

— Iris Mohr

Nowadays, technology is being integrated into everything we do; it has changed the way we communicate, learn, listen to music, entertain ourselves, and many more.

Many businesses such as those in the fashion industry have taken notice and adapted to these changes by integrating them into their business approach. Social media has played a big role in the way newer brands advertise and predict future trends.

The younger generation has distanced itself from traditional media and new fashion brands and retailers have taken notice. There are new ways for advertising to reach a broader audience at a cheaper cost.

When retailers receive new shipments of clothing, they no longer have to go through the lengthy process of advertising it to their customers in magazines, etc…

With Instagram, customers are able to keep up to date with their favorite retailers and be aware of new releases instantly. It is also a perfect platform for releasing editorials

Using social media to preview items greatly helps smaller brands that aren’t able to attend events such as fashion week to preview upcoming collections, and it also eliminates the stress of having a deadline to follow. Once an item is ready for production it can be previewed online for everyone to see.

Pictures that receive higher amounts of likes and interaction in the comment section are more likely to have higher demand. Brands that are more consistent are able to grow a quicker fanbase.

Items such as the Fugazi One in the Chamber received high amounts of praise when previewed. Once it was released, just as expected the shoe sold out in less than a minute.

Retail stores are also able to view these posts and predict whether or not the item will sell well in the store. If the feedback is positive, the amount of product ordered for the store will be higher.

This tactic has become widely used by numerous brands, and gives a clear indication to the retailer what the consumers want to purchase ahead of time.

It isn't only the retailers and brands that are benefiting from social media, but also the consumers. Simplified shopping processes are being implemented, and there are now ways to build a relationship with the brands they support.

In most cases, popular trends in the fashion world only last for a short period of time. This makes it hard for the average consumer to partake while it is still at its peak.

Coletti envisages the idea eventually being tailored to different stores’ needs. Having smaller stores that emphasize the “phy-gital” and only stock high-demand products would benefit both mainstream retailers, which could draw consumers away from online, and larger e-commerce retailers, which get to extend their reach in areas where user growth has plateaued.

— Cathrin Shaer

In the soon future, various retailers will follow in Coletti’s steps and modify the product being sold in their stores to reflect the popular trends at the moment.

This will eliminate the need for customers to search for new trends. It also gives them the option to see these new products at a retail store instead of needing to shop for them online.

As stated by Iris Mohr, brands are no longer avoiding using social media as a way to interact with the public. Through these different social medias, it is now possible to capture a greater audience, and communicate with others through the comment section.

With the option to be able to connect with the customers, brands can now think of new creative ways to let them be involved with the brand. For a starting brand, this can be extremely useful for building a strong and loyal fan base.

When a customer feels as if there is a connection between themselves and the brand there are willing to purchase more items to support the brand. It makes them feel as if their input and opinions are being valued by the brand.

Giveaways such as the one done by the online retail store Silver-League is a great way to show appreciation to the customers that have supported the company.

It’s very clear that social media will only continue to play an important role in the fashion industry and most likely in other industries as well.

