Day 3 — Talk and rawr

Philip Trauner
GCER 16 from our point of view
2 min readJul 9, 2016

Today was, in comparison to the previous days, quite relaxing for everyone… except for me because the breakout sessions were happening and I was one of the speakers. After practicing my talk for way too long it was finally time to actually, well, talk.
Surprisingly it went well (I assume) and I even took the obligatory selfie with the audience.

After the other talks had concluded we drove to an alligator farm which was clearly labeled by this awesome street sign:

We saw tons of exotic and rare animals at the farm that all had one thing in common: They didn’t really move that much.

Here we see an alligator in it’s not so natural habitat.

They only really started moving when they were given some food in the form of pellets and dead rats.

We decided that it was necessary to leave a little piece of us for the alligators, of course not in the literal sense.

The day concluded with a talk by Penelope Boston about robots in astrobiology and us falling asleep almost immediately.

