
Daniel Wenger
Gchat Reviews
5 min readMar 8, 2013


@loisbeckett and @dpwenger talk about Jackie, an 80-minute monologue delivered by the former First Lady about herself. Written by Nobel Laureate Elfriede Jelinek, directed by Tea Alagic, starring Tina Benko as Jackie. From the Women’s Project Theater at New York’s City Center Stage through 3/31.

The wrong audience

Lois: I think we are the wrong audience for this play

me: ok

Lois: i think my mother would be much more interested in this play

me: why

Lois: like for us

for “millenials”

jackie kennedy is like

a brunette in a shift

well for me

like a woman on one of those singer dress patterns


completely generic

me: yeah

i mean

i think it was a bit of a history lesson

Lois: who is joan

“Joan, that boozer, gave me away”

me: a kennedy?

a sis in law

i think

Virginia Joan Kennedy (nee Bennett; born September 9, 1936) known as Joan, is the first wife of U.S. Senator from Massachusetts Edward "Ted" Moore ...

Lois: wow

me: was she before chappaquidkickdidikki

like were they married then

Lois: nice pic of the three of them


me: that is a lovely dress on jackie

i mean i think the only redeeming part of the play was the talk about clothing

the other day

someone was talking about michelle obama's inaug dress being too outre

not like tasteful fashionable

but like glittery fashionable

wait was that you

Lois: oh yeah

the tie-fabric


Play vs. playwright

Lois: I found so many of the choices really infuriating

the pantomime style of direction

when you mention pills you take pills

when jackie compares marilyn to a doll BARBIE DOLLS LITERALLY EMERGE FROM VENTS IN THE FLOOR

me: i found that appealing as i find vogueing appealing

(not the dolls)

Lois: why did you like the play

me: don’t accuse me of that

i think the text is beautiful in places

that line early on

“I had to come and suggest myself to the population”

and i think this question of

what should be done production-wise with a text like this, a good text

is important

i saw “the suit” at BAM


and it was just this horribly maudlin treatment of apartheid

and the direction (by peter brook) was just as maudlin (but not more maudlin)

and so i didn't know whom to blame

but here it feels like we can blame our problems, pantomiming etc., on the director

while preserving our faith in the playwright

our provisional faith


Lois: yes the play was extremely beautiful line by line

but im not sure if as a whole

it was


it had no arc no plot

and not to be all like "oh i need a well-made play"

but things that are not plot

should still have shape

me: wait

a well-made play has to have plot?

Lois: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-made_play

me: lol

ok what was the attempted shape

without looking at the text

Lois: the climax was probably her talking about how JFK gave her gonorrhea

and made her miscarry

which is pretty shocking

me: “a recurrent device that the well-made play employs is the use of letters or papers falling into unintended hands, in order to bring about plot twists and climaxes”




Lois: Yeah, the monologue seemed to be veering toward being about jackie vs. marilyn

but didn't get there

me: “the letters must bring about an unexpected reversal of fortune, in which it is often revealed that someone is not who they pretend to be”



On boredom

Lois: i mean one thing to keep in mind

is that Jelinek isn't, like, Edward Albee

who wants everything to be done exactly as he says

she said in her NYT interview


that she regards the script as only half the play

the other half to be invented by the actor/director

me: which they did

to the play's detriment

Lois: i think it would have been really hard to make this script — much as we both kind of like it — a really good play

though the set was amazing

the old, abandoned swimming pool

full of leaves


perfect metaphor

but also

reminiscent of that famous anecdote about JFK making an intern give his friend a blow job in the WH swimming pool

me: i didn't know that, cute!

why didn’t she mention THAT in the play?

i did not like the set

Lois: why not

me: too fancy

Lois: i mean they just used it as random levels

the direction was pretty much completely alienated from it

except for those VENTS the barbie dolls popped out of

like if I read a description of that

I would think it sounded kind of horrible-awesome-amazing

but it was just like WTF DO YOU THINK WE ARE THAT BORED

and we were, kind of

More Jackies

Lois: but back to your question: could you have directed this in a way that made it more compelling than it was

maybe having a lineless marilyn character

shimmying around

i think that would have...helped?

get another body onstage

provide some action

but cost lots of $$$

unlike barbies

hate theater economics

me: ................

i like the idea of a support group

like 20 jackies

in folding chairs in a circle

but none of them really being jackie

just being like parts of jackie

Lois: actually that would be interesting

jackie even SAYS in the play

that the public wants to become her, sort of

“The flesh comes streaming out of the suburbs, it’s coming towards us even when we make a trip to the beach, but it’s running right past us, it’s running right past us, it’s running right past us, the whole stream runs to the newsstand to buy pictures of us, even though we are standing right in front of them, in the flesh, but no, we never mingle with the crowd.”

me: celebrities standing in front of you as you buy an US magazine with them on the cover


Lois: ha


but celebrities now

are not world historical figures

like kimye

is not going to start a war in vietnam


that was a moment i thought was moving

when jackie is telling her children

at the funeral

that their deaths won't be awesome

me: “All my doing, convincing people of this enchanting death in red and powder blue, of this death in the shape of two small children, cute, like a slender patch of heaven, something like that, this death that’s in store for them as well, but it won’t be as awesome, I am afraid”

Lois: what tina benko brought to jackie

was pride in the awesomness of death

i’d just read it as sarcasm

me: so

the delivery was good

Lois: yeah

she was better than my reading

