What is Content Management System?

jennifer uithoven
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2017

Content management, by definition, is a software application that is used to create and manage digital content, which many people refer to as CMS. At the start of CMS programs back in the late 90’s they were not cheap, so only big business could afford them at the time. Since the expansion of the internet in the early 2000’s it has become more affordable and now more people are able to use it. They are not only being utilized by big businesses but also for individuals who want to publish their own personal work.

Content management systems have changed dramatically over the years. In the late 90’s technology was not as popular and many people did not use it. When they did, they would usually have to go to a computer lab since computers were not as easily accessible. The main CMS program back then was just the start up of email. It was the main way of communication with others because there were neither cell phones nor social media to help people stay connected. Websites were very limited and simple since they were created in text editors and the HTML was edited manually. Then in the early 2000’s, more programs like Once Mambo, JoomIa, and Drupal increased the creation of websites dramatically. Since it was just the beginning of these programs there was a lot of customization that went into the templates to make them more presentable. After about three years, WordPress was introduced and many people grew to love it because of its basic layout. It was also very easy to use because all of the CMS work was done on its own. Even though it had a very easy layout, which made it easier to use, it was mainly used by designers who knew code and people who were self-taught. Then in 2010, CMS programs started to target a wider variety of users. There was now a faster internet connection available for people, and with businesses growing more people needed websites and they needed them in a quick and efficient manner. This led to the creation of many different CMS programs, such as Squarespace and WIX, which were aimed at a wider variety of people. Their main goal was to attract artist, bloggers, and basically anyone who wanted to have a way to present their personal work, which is almost everyone now. These programs were still created for people with limited computer skills because of the simple and easy function behind them.

Even though these programs were made for people with limited skills they were very helpful during the start of the programs. After WordPress was around for a couple of years they decided to make some adjustments to help with design. Even though WordPress now has two sites under their name after improving on the design, it first came out in 2003 (WordPress, n.d.). The two sites they have under their name is WordPress.com which is their original layout as well as WordPress.org which is their updated layout. The new one has a very similar layout but you are able to go in and edit more of the code background, which allows for more options when it comes to creating something more detailed. Now that there are two sites under their name it is important to know which one will work best for you and your style and background of knowledge. If you like to keep things simple, and you do not have as much code background as some, then you want to continue using WordPress.com. But, if you like to get a little more creative and add some more detail to your work through code background, then WordPress.org is the best option for you.

Although CMS programs have changed so much over the years there are still several improvements that can be made to make them the best they can be. Most of the programs now have more focus on the content rather than the design. Since there are more ways than just a browser to present the work it is important to consider all the ways that it is going to be presented. In order to make it work for all aspects, it is important to focus on what is being told rather than the design aspect of it all. In the future I think the programs will start to change the process of how you get started. Instead of focusing on the design at the beginning, it will focus on the content that is going to be presented at that specific moment, while still allowing you to be able to go back and focus on the design at the end.


WordPress. (n.d). About WordPress. Retrieved from https://wordpress.org/about/

