Figure ground relationship: our first project.

Eman Alshawaf
GDES 2361
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2017
@ serjios 2016

“It is not about what you see but how you see it.”

— Serge Najjar, photographer


Investigate the relationship between the foreground and the background/figure and ground by shooting photographs mindful of the photographic composition. Keep in mind that that figure ground relationship is based on our ability to distinguish both from each other in a photographs.


Go out in the world and take as many photographs as you can. Don’t shoot 20 or 30 but shoot at least a hundred. Keep a journal documenting all the locations you visited, camera, angles you tested with, manual camera settings you’ve used. Take time afterwards to reflect on the process and indemnify your best. Don’t hesitate to visit these locations again and give things you liked a second chance.

Final outcome:

A collection of 20 black and white photographs that show a strong relationship between the figure or subject and the background and show a strong understanding of lines and shapes found in the real world. The photographs could be part of one theme or work independently. They will be submitted to google drive in jpeg format.

A short written description (200 words) will be shared on medium with the photographs as well. It should explain your process, ideas, and the content/concept of your photographs.

Tip: Look at the world as if it made of geometric shapes, sometimes angular and other times organic.

