Google Cloud Engineer/Architect Crash Course

Acquire Proficiency in GCP in a short time: Introduction


Following this short course you will be invited to find out the best, fastest and more compelling way FOR YOU to learn and increase your skill.

Fast Learning

Learning in a fast way is amazing. The proposed method is:

  • Read the basic Concepts
  • If you feel at ease with them, skip to the practice Tests
  • Otherwise, ask yourself: which are the areas that I need to cover or deepen?
  • If you feel that you need a clean start follow the courses otherwise you can decide to practice with the suggested labs
  • In any case write down any doubt and look into the “Building Blocks

Course Topics

  • Compute
  • Storage and Database
  • Networking
  • Applications
  • Monitoring & Security
  • Bigdata
  • ML
  • Other Tools

Coursera Official GCP Study Material

These are the official online Google courses for Associate Cloud Engineer and for Professional Cloud Architect Certifications

Architecting with Google Cloud Platform 6 Courses

They are really good but looooong 😳….and at the same time missing a lot of small but important technical details. Their goal is to give the correct idea and framework of the platform. But they are a long way to go.

They have a cost, but with this link you may have a month free.

If you have some experience with AWS this course is outstanding and may represent a fast path for your learning.
In addition it is free (just keep asking just for the training materials) and we will use it for the demos.

Moreover, here you’ll find a GCP Services corresponding to the AWS Services.

A last mention to the official documentation: it is really good. After a while you’ll get used to it and you’ll be able to find out quickly what are you looking for.


In this section will be listed the Qwiklabs/Google Code-labs related to the various topics.
Codelabs are free (but you have to use your GCP account and it may not be free).

Qwiklabs have a cost but they supply the environment, too. That means that you will use Qwiklabs free account. The Google Communities give very often free subscription, if you are interested.

If you are practicing with a not expensive service , the advice is to follow a lab with your own account: you will learn more.
By the way, here you may find out if a service is expensive or not.

Final Considerations

As you may see, the trick is only one: be active during your learning process.

You are directly involved in the procedure. So, if there is any improvement or correction to be made, HELP. That is, don’t just say:’s wrong! But work on the best revision and improvement!

And give explanations to others on Slack



Antonella Blasetti
GDG Google Developer Group & WTM Rome

Google Developer Expert Cloud. and Information Design. 40+ years of experience in Information Technology with a strong affinity with young people