GDG Istanbul Flutter Study Jam

Sercan Yusuf
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2018
Dash going to event by ferry ~(“>)~

Hi Folks. As we mentioned our After I/O 2018 event, Google comes up a brand new mobile technology at I/O’18 which name is Flutter. So we decided to do Study Jam in our chapter on 22–23 September to introduce this great tech .

What is Study Jam?

So first of all, Study Jams are Google supported bootcamp events that organized by GDGs to facilitate to learn and use new technologies.

Every year there are set a different Study Jam content by Google to encourage GDGs to organize an event in their locals and share these technologies to people.

This year we had Flutter as a Study Jam content. So on behalf of team I can say that we had a great event with a plenty of swag at Google Istanbul Office.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source mobile development SDK developed by Google. It uses Dart for development language and builds very fast. With Flutter we can develop high-performed well native-looking mobile apps that work both Android and iOS.

Let’s talk about Event!!

Dash giving swags to attendees ~( “>)~

In preparation phase, we selected Google Office as venue and released Study Jam on Meetup. Although the attendance quota, there were hundreds of registration request. However we have to select 50 of them.

On event day we had 30 attendees so we welcomed them with Flutter swags.

Dash teaching Flutter ~(“>)~

We started with Flutter course that created by Google on Udacity. After we explained about Flutter and Dart the coding part was started.

Before the Study Jam we told everyone to do development tool setup on their computers.
We divided Study Jam Course videos to 6 part to have a best practice:

Day 1: Lesson 1

  • Introduction (videos 1–10)
  • Components (videos 11–17)
  • Widgets and Navigating between them (videos 18–24)

Day 2: Lesson 2

  • Design Things (videos 1–13)
  • Packages and Assets (videos 14–20)
  • Using an API and data listing. Error Handling (videos 21–26)

So with this way we could give break at the end of the parts.


In two days, we did an Unit Calculator App with material design and cool animations. The end of the Study Jam some of attendees chance their minds and decided to use Flutter on their mobile development. Besides that, some of them who developing back-end, decided to start mobile development.

That was great to hear that. Also it was great experience for us to host a Study Jam.

Closing, we told that each one of who develops a Flutter project and pushes it to our GDG Istanbul/Studyjam repository on next days, wins a ticket for DevFest Istanbul 2018.

