Why You Should Join Communities

İrem Kömürcü
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2021
Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

Hello everyone! Today I want to write about communities, groups, social networks and volunteer jobs. Usually, I try to answer questions from you. Even today’s blog subject is one of your questions.

I joined the various group since college years. Actually, I was not aware benefit of volunteer jobs. After I worked with groups and volunteer jobs, I realise that. And I say that all groups so added to benefits in my life. My career story, had networks, a circle of friends and more…

What we will talk about in this article?

- My community experience

- General communities benefit

- Technical skills and groups

Skills that can be acquired; You can learn many skills through a volunteer job and a community. Creating a team, being a team member, public speaking, event organizing, communicating with people and more… Now, I will tell you about these and I think this is so important subject.

2019, GDG Istanbul Devfest Team ❤

I started working voluntarily with communities before working in a full-time job. Working with a team was the first thing I learned. Teams have many people and people in the group have different responsibilities. Different tasks can be combined to make up something big. This could be a project, organization, event etc. This is what I owe my ability to work with a team :)

You can also learn how to lead a team. Managing a team takes experience. You can first gain this experience from community and volunteer work. These jobs might be a good opportunity for you! :)

These jobs bring skills in communication with people. You can talk to many different people for any project or event through a volunteer job. And you can bring persuading anyone of anything, gaining self-confidence and more.

Abroad experience and career development; My first abroad experience was through Google Developer Groups. We went to India to the Google Developer Day event. It was not a simple abroad experience for me, why? I was just 20 years old when I made this trip. It gave me a different perspective and it was exciting. I got to know Google technologies closely with this trip. Now, I am a computer vision engineer doing Deep Learning operations with Tensorflow. I first met TensorFlow and Deep Learning there :) I think it is one of the biggest factors that a community can impact my life :) And I met people from various countries and many of them are now friends.

Networks and various opportunity; I owe most of my current network to communities. Especially, I think networks are the most popular benefit the community has brought us. You can get many opportunities with the network you have gained thanks to the communities. Job opportunities, reference persons, introduces different people, can mentor you and moreover.

Circle of Friends; I meet a lot of people and I am very happy because of this. You can meet people with similar ideals. I had of my close friends through communities ❤ Furkan, Doğancan, Enes, Beril, Beyza, Yusuf, Merve Noyan, Merve İşler, Omer, Farida, Elif and more, I am glad to know you!

For those who wonder; Which teams am I currently in?

- Google Developer Group İstanbul, Organizer
- Women Techmakers İstanbul, Organizer
- Deep Learning Turkey, Core Member
- Tensorflow Turkey, Core Member

In this article, we discussed why we should join the community. I hope, this post helped you!

By visiting my website, you can get to know me more and follow my social media accounts. I am waiting for your questions and blog post suggestions. Thank you!



İrem Kömürcü

Google Developer Expert on Machine Learning | Data Scientist @Deloitte | iremkomurcu.com