WTM Jalandhar Celebration 6.O😍

Batchu Thrishna
GDG Jalandhar
Published in
5 min readSep 21, 2020

Hello there!

Here’s one of my experiences with the community.

On the completion of 6 years successfully, WTM Jalandhar organized an event for Women in Tech, where various speakers from the different fields joined us. The event was to celebrate and recognize women who empowered many other women in technology.

You feel energized when you are a part of such communities. And I’m one of them. I hosted the event with my co-host, Shivani.

We were so excited because it was our first time hosting the event online. We had fun being a part of it.

Want to know what’s in there?

Let’s dive deep 😊

Sessions by Amazing Speakers

1) Welcome Keynote

The first session was the keynote by Varsha Jaiswal, the WTM Ambassador & GDG Organizer, and also a software engineer at Edfora Infotech. She explained the journey of WTM Jalandhar, shared some memories, and announced the initiative i.e., “Together We Rise”.

If you want to know more about the initiative,

Do check: http://wtmjalandhar.page.link/TogetherWeRise

If you missed the live session, you may watch it here 😉

2) Unveil the hidden you

The story of a girl who was an introvert and came out of her comfort zone to start her career in Tech, Nitika Bhatia.

She is the founder of Agrohub and the mother of a little child. She managed everything well. She encouraged us to come out of our comfort zone, meet people, participate in various events, hackathons, and speak out. She made us understand better what we are, by sharing her story.

One can only connect with the words when the person felt or has experienced the same. You would feel it the way too if you are a person with the energy to do something or have experienced it.

You want to listen too. Don’t wait and check out this link. 😉

3) Leading with Courage

If you are already in a community or in a company, where you lead the team, then how do you take the lead?

This question was answered beautifully by Lakshya. She is a woman with strong leadership qualities and manages the Women Techmakers India at Google. She has also received the Women in AI Leadership Award by Analytics India Magazine.

She made the session interactive by giving some funny tasks yet a meaningful one. She introduced women who inspired around the globe, gave some suggestions to improve ourselves and be confident to lead.

Feel like missing it? Don’t worry. We have the recording for you here. 😉

4) Joining efforts and communities to do bigger things

Do you ever join any community? Or want to start a community? Or feel like why the community exists and its purpose!!!!

Nikita Gandhi, the Community Manager at Google Developers India, answered these questions and talked more about the benefits of being a part of any community.

She has been connected with many communities, interacted with countless students, and motivated them in every way possible.

Excited to hear what she said!! Here is the link to her session. 😉

5) Moonshot Thinking

Have ever heard about Moonshot Thinking? Or want to know about it?

Sonakshi Shukla, System Matter Expert at Western Digital, explained and connected every dot of Moonshot Thinking.

Many people only talk about what something is and never brief us about how to do it. But, she shared some useful insights on how to do it and asked us to share our moonshots.

Want to give it a shot and write down your moonshot? Here it is. 😉

Also, share your moonshot in the comments.

6) Keep the hopes high

Varsha, who believes that everyone should be inspired enough to move forward in their lives, came up with amazing content to keep us motivated. She narrated her story on how she has been keeping her hope high and gave a thought to us to think about ours.

I would like you all to answer this question in the comments,

What do you do to keep your hope high? or What inspires you the most?

Keep an eagle eye on this.

7) Panel Discussion

So, what if the audience had questions and wanted it to be clarified by the speakers?

Worry not.

We had the Panel Discussion, where our speakers had talked about various aspects of taking charge, mentoring ourselves, developing the inner self, and many more.

Do you have something similar to it?

Watch it here. 😉


When you have a busy schedule on weekdays but still manage to have time for the next generation of people, this means a lot. Adding to it, this makes it even beautiful when the speaker and listener are full of energy for sharing their experiences or ready to know others. Thank you each and everyone who made this event wonderful and who will get motivated by it. So, never stop learning and keep your spirit high enough to pursue your dreams.

Motivated enough to kickstart your journey? 😉

Join our community at https://gdg.community.dev/gdg-jalandhar/

#GDGJalandhar #WTMJalandhar #WTMJalandharCelebration

