#MajulahGCP in Singapore, and other happenings for the month of April

GDG Singapore
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2020
A month to review — source: pixabay, author: Larisa-K

Heya folks! It’s been a roller coaster of a ride in April. While we had to adjust to life with the ongoing Covid19 situation, such as circuit breaker measures leading to most of us working from home, there were so many exciting online events that occurred over the last month!

Let’s recap on the electrifying happenings over the last month, and catch up on what you might have missed!


#MajulahGCP — source: GDG Cloud Singapore

Starting off the momentum in the month of April, #MajulahGCP happened! Modeled as an online study jam, participants used Qwiklabs to learn about Google Cloud Platform and different Cloud technologies. If you have not used Qwiklabs before, it is this awesome platform that issues temporary Google account credentials for logging in to Google Cloud Platform. You can use these credentials along with its lessons and guides, to get hands-on learning with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and various cloud concepts.

As part of the month-long campaign, participants were offered one-month free access to Qwiklabs and worked towards learning more about GCP in three spectrums — Infrastructure, Big Data + ML, and Application Development. To top off the icing on the cake, participants were also awarded prizes if they managed to complete certain amounts of quests in Qwiklabs!

Swags to be had! — source: GDG Cloud Singapore

We’re very happy to announce that we had over 2000 participants who joined us in this month of learning 🙌 and over 600 participants who were able to snag the offered prizes. Congratulations to all! :D

If you were not able to join this study jam, no worries, we’ve got you covered. You can still get a month of free access to Qwiklabs, as offered by Google Cloud here, sign-ups are only valid up to May 31st, 2020.

Stay tuned to our future study jams at our meetup page here

Slack Channel

To support the “festivities” of #MajulahGCP, we also launched our very own Slack channel. It started off as a forum for discussing the different Qwiklabs exercises, as well as for resolving different technical issues faced over the month. We are very heartened to see contributors from all walks of life, step up and provide advice and comments, as well as leading some of these discussions over the last month :D

Slack channel! — source: GDG Singapore

We’ll continue to use this Slack channel for future events and discussions. Not just for Google Cloud related discussions, but for other areas like Web and Android. Hope to see you guys there!

If you have not done so, join our GDG and GDG Cloud Singapore slack channel here

Android Night

On the 16th of April, GDG Singapore kicked off the greatly anticipated Android Night, live-streamed on Youtube. Speakers Toru, Su Myat, and Hassan touched on three unique and also interesting topics in Android’s ecosystem.

Timeline for the starting points for each speaker:

  1. 17:49 — CameraX, beyond Alpha, by Toru Wonyoung Choi
  2. 43:43 — Exploring Android Jetpack Testing, by Su Myat Htun
  3. 1:22:41— Now in Jetpack Compose, by Hassan Abid

GDG Cloud Singapore Webinar #1

Fresh off the backs of the circuit breaker, GDG Cloud Singapore also moved its meetup to an online format with Webinar #1. Speakers Hairizuan, Akilesh, and Weiyuan shared all new things that were launched in GCP since the meetup, as well as discussed about MajulahGCP and Google certifications.

Check out the live-streamed event below:

Timeline of all of the discussions and references:

  1. 10:22 — Rundown of KMS VS Secrets Manager on Serverless on GCP
  2. 14:28 — A new and shiner Logs Viewer in GCP
  3. 21:08 — One new beta product in GCP, Service Directory
  4. 33:24 — Granular access control with BigQuery Column Level Security
  5. 54:11 — New SRE book from Google
  6. 58:40 — Fireside chat: #MajulahGCP and tips to certifications

Upcoming Events

Missed any of the events above? Well, that’s in the past now! We’ve got more events in store for you in the month of May.

2nd MayChrome Developer Summit by GDG Singapore

7th May (time TBA)— GDG Cloud Singapore Webinar #2 on Kubernetes by GDG Cloud Singapore

9th May (4 pm to 6:30 pm SGT) ML Developer Day by GDG Singapore and GDG Cloud Singapore

16th May (time TBA) — Android 11 Q&A by GDG Singapore

TBA (week of 18th April) — GDG Cloud Singapore Webinar #3 on BigQuery by GDG Cloud Singapore

TBA — Introduction to Google Marketing Platform by GDG Singapore

For the above events, the live stream links will be posted on GDG Singapore and GDG Cloud Singapore pages respectively at a closer date.

That’s all we have for this update for April and May. We hope to see you guys in the various events for the month of May!



GDG Singapore

Senior Engineering Manager, Ascenda Loyalty | Former Engineering Manager, Grab | Former Director of Engineering, ZilLearn | bit.ly/weiyuan