Heroes Interview Series — Moving ahead with Inaki

Google Developer Group Thailand
GDG Bangkok
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2016

Overview In this episode of Heroes Interview Series, we have Iñaki Villar! He is a Google Developer Expert (GDE) for Android originally came from Mallorca, an island in Spain. He came to Bangkok earlier this year to explore career opportunities and constantly looking for ways to share his expertise with the local developers. We are fortunate to have him as one of our special guest on this interview.

Q1: — AdrianHello Iñaki! It’s a pleasure to have to on board with us in this series. Let’s break some ice with the audience for starters. Tell us a bit about yourself?

: InakiHi I’m Iñaki from Mallorca (Spain), I have been working as a Android developer for 5 years. I came to Bangkok 3 months ago because of my personal interests, previously I was working in Mallorca, Barcelona and Dublin with Bank, Storage and Airlines apps.

I have always enjoyed with the Android community and I have been involved with local communities and now as GDE. I gave talks in Spain, Ireland, Tunisia, EUA…

Q2: — AdrianHow do you get to know about the GDE program and what compelled you to jump in?

Inaki: I got to know the GDE program by attending an event (Droidcon) in the UK. Back in Ireland, One of the GDG leader spoke to me about being a GDE and recommended me to join the program because of my experience. I became interested in taking on the role and went on researching for more information on the website which consists of many topics, it’s a good chance also for me to know other GDEs across Europe. Inaki: Yes there is a difference! I think that the demographic of developers here are younger & enthusiastic. Most of them are tech savvy people that uses various platform of social network stay engaged on news & other happenings.

Q3: — Adrian I’m sure you will find a difference between the culture of Thai & Spain. In terms of developer ecosystem, what is that you find are most interesting to you?

Inaki: Second you will have to like communicate, it’s important because you have to interact with a lot of people.

And finally passion in the things you are doing.There are 3 important assets the applicant must have in my opinion. First, generate valuable technical contents, support, help, presentations according to the community needs.

Q4: — AdrianBeing a GDE means dedicating time and effort towards contributing your knowledge and experience to the community consistently. How do you find time to balance it between work? Inaki: I find time in the midst of my free time. On top of spending enough time with my family and work, I usually will find sufficient moments to stay engaged with my passion on technologies. Although it’s challenging to balance it, I think I’m doing well so far. My main source of motivation/fuel to move forward in life are 2 things, Patience and passion!

Q5: — AdrianLastly, what kind of advice would you give to people who are looking to becoming the next Google Developer Expert?

Originally published at http://gdg.in.th on July 18, 2016.



Google Developer Group Thailand
GDG Bangkok

GDG (Google Developer Group) are developer group for people who are interested in Google’s developer technology