Beyond Encryption: Navigating the Quantum Wave

Yashita Jindal
GDSC VIT Vellore
Published in
7 min readJan 31, 2024

In today’s world, keeping our online selves secure is pretty much as important as locking up our house. Think about your Instagram for a second - it’s a whole lot more than just an app; it’s a collection of all our cool (and not-so-cool) memories. That’s where tech like Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) comes in. It’s like an extra padlock on your account. Then there’s SSL/TLS encryption that secures communication. Ever notice that little padlock icon in your web browser when you’re buying something online or checking your bank account? That’s SSL/TLS at work. It’s like an invisible bodyguard for your online transactions, jumbling up data so only the right people can read it.

Now what if I told you that the very tools safeguarding our digital lives might be in for a quantum-sized shake-up? Curiosity piqued? Join me on this expedition into the evolving landscapes of cyberspace.

Quantum World

Quantum computers have unlocked possibilities that were once considered the realm of sci-fi. In the past decade, research has been conducted in this area and the possibility of a fully functional quantum computer appears within reach.

But what makes them so unique? Quantum computers are like digital superheroes compared to regular computers. While classical computers use bits to process information as either 0s or 1s, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits. Qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously due to the principles of quantum superposition. This allows them to function faster, making them exceptionally powerful.

While quantum scientists are banking on the numerous benefits of quantum computers, scholars are concerned about saving the Internet from quantum hackers.

IBM Quantum Computer PC: IBM Newsroom

Risks to Traditional Encryption Methods

The integration of quantum computing has questioned the security of our traditional encryption methods.

At the core stands the RSA algorithm. It operates based on two keys: a public key (openly shared) and a private key (kept confidential). Key generation involves selecting large prime numbers and computing their product. RSA’s security relies on the complexity of breaking down large numbers. Classical computers find it hard to factor large numbers as computation time increases. However, the emergence of quantum computers, specifically those employing Shor’s algorithm, has disrupted this balance. Shor’s quantum algorithm rapidly breaks codes by exploring multiple possibilities at once with the help of qubits. This significantly reduces the time needed to factorize large numbers. It is like a super-fast code breaker, making RSA vulnerable to quick decryption.

The Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) also faces quantum threats. ECC’s security relies on the difficulty of solving the discrete logarithm problem on the elliptic curve. Quantum computers equipped with Grover’s algorithm can significantly reduce the time required to solve this problem. It is specifically designed for searching an unsorted database. Searching an unsorted database of N items would require checking each item one by one, resulting in an average of N/2 attempts to find the desired item. Grover’s algorithm, on the other hand, can accomplish this search in approximately √N steps. The algorithm achieves this speedup through the use of quantum parallelism.

Another risk — Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). Traditional encryption methods use complex mathematical algorithms. Imagine you want to send a super-secret code to your friend, and you want to make sure no one snoops on it. Here’s where QKD comes in. In regular communication, you might send a key (the secret code) through normal channels, like the Internet. With QKD, Instead of sending the key through the usual routes, we use the magic of quantum particles (like photons, the tiny particles of light). If quantum computers come into play, they might be able to crack codes used conventionally.

These risks call for a reassessment of our digital defence. Can we effectively bridge the gap between the challenges posed by classical encryption and the demand for quantum-resistant cryptographic solutions?

Quantum-resistant Cryptography

To counteract quantum attacks, researchers are exploring alternative cryptographic techniques. These are specifically designed to withstand the computational power of quantum machines.

Lattice-based Cryptography:

One promising approach is lattice-based cryptography. Imagine a lattice as a grid, and the security lies in the complexity of problems related to this grid structure. Let’s try to find the shortest distance between two points on this lattice. The difficulty of this task increases as the lattice becomes more complex. It’s like trying to navigate through a maze of interconnected points on the lattice. This forms a basis for creating cryptographic functions, offering strong protection against quantum attacks. Lattice-based encryption is used for various cryptographic protocols, including digital signatures and secure key exchange.

Algorithmic Cryptography:

Lately, post-quantum cryptographic algorithms are gaining traction. These include various methods such as hash-based, code-based, and multivariate polynomial cryptography. Each method contains a unique set of mathematical algorithms that quantum computers struggle to solve, this ensures a certain level of security that can’t be compromised easily.

Hash-based cryptography relies on the complexity of hash functions, which even quantum computers find hard to break. A hash function takes an input (or ‘message’) and produces a fixed-size string of characters, which is typically a hash value. The input is processed block by block, with each iteration incorporating the previous hash value. Merkle-Damgard construction breaks down the message into blocks and processes them to generate the final hash value.

Code-based cryptography involves error-correcting codes. These codes are designed to detect and correct errors that may occur during data transmission. It uses two keys, one for locking (public) and one for unlocking (private), making it like a secret code for secure communication.

Multivariate polynomial relies on the complexity of solving specific types of equations. Encryption and decryption involve manipulating algebraic structures based on these polynomial equations.

Public Key via CBINSIGHTS

Initiatives like the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST)Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization project are also paving the way for the adoption of quantum-resistant cryptographic standards.

NIST’s — Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization project

NIST takes the lead in identifying and standardizing cryptographic algorithms that can withstand quantum advancement. This project was initiated in 2016. The project involves a collaborative effort, with NIST inviting the global cryptographic community to submit candidate algorithms that can tackle potential quantum attacks. This open call allows a range of perspectives to be considered for quantum cryptographic standards.

Experts from various domains evaluate the submitted algorithms. The criteria aren’t just about how strong the encryption is, they also consider whether it works fast and is easy for people to use in their everyday tech stuff. This approach ensures that the selected standards not only provide security but also align with real-world applications.

Quantum Safe Companies

Post-quantum cryptographic methods are versatile because they can easily be added to existing systems, providing organizations with a smooth transition to stronger security. Here are some of the companies that provide services in this sector:

ISARA Corporation:

ISARA is known for its expertise in quantum-safe cryptography and provides solutions to help organizations secure their systems against quantum attacks. This company is actively involved in research and development efforts related to post-quantum cryptography. Their mission is to provide a practical and cost-effective transition to new cryptographic standards. ISARA has shown a particular focus on providing quantum-safe solutions for the financial industry and the Internet of Things (IoT). These sectors often handle sensitive data and require robust security measures, making them prime candidates for early adoption of quantum-safe cryptographic solutions.


Post-Quantum is a cybersecurity company specializing in quantum-safe cryptographic solutions, including encryption and key management. They aim to provide encryption that protects organizations across their entire digital footprint. They have worked with NATO to ensure its communications are secure against quantum attacks. Some of their services include PQ Chat, Hybrid PQ VPN, and Nomidio Identity. Nomidio is a biometric identity system for secure passwordless sign-in. Its flagship NTS-KEM (‘Never The Same — Key Encapsulation Mechanisms’) cryptosystem technology earned a place on the NIST’s list for global standardization.

ID Quantique:

ID Quantique focuses on quantum-safe cryptographic solutions, particularly in the field of quantum key distribution (QKD) for secure communication. Their primary focus is to enhance the security of sensitive information exchanged between entities, including government agencies, financial institutions, and other organizations that require a high level of confidentiality. They provide consulting services to help organizations assess their cybersecurity needs.


QuintessenceLabs explores quantum-safe encryption solutions, including key and data protection. They offer solutions related to random number generation. Random numbers are a crucial component in cryptographic protocols, they are used to enhance the unpredictability and randomness of generated numbers, improving the overall security of cryptographic systems.

Interest in Post Quantum Cryptography via CBINSIGHTS


Cybersecurity does more than guard our bank details, confidential emails, and search history. It protects our very existence on the Internet. Our current defence might be able to guard us for a few years, however, quantum computers are gearing up for a cyber shift. But hey, don’t hit the panic button just yet. We’ve got multiple organizations and startups working solely to prepare us for this quantum leap.

