Get To Know GDG VIT Vellore : Shamvil Raza

While we always talk about technology, we often tend to forget about one of the most important parts of a team. The management. The group of individuals who make it a point to make sure that every whim of the technical group is fulfilled, that they never run out of any kind of provisions and can always continue to work without any kind of interruptions.

Keeping that in mind, GDG VIT Vellore owes a huge lot of its success to the management team, especially to Shamvil Raza.

How It All Started..

One of the founding members of GDG-VIT, he is one of the reasons that the student program by Google, Google Developers Group, was reintroduced in VIT, Vellore after its initial failures which had caused it to collapse the first time it was ever there. He started the chapter around three years back with Rajit Singh, Madhav Menon, Maria Yusuf and Prerit Kimtani. He started off in the chapter as a part of the management team and later, through his hard work and determination went on to become the President of the chapter.

Working at GDG VIT Vellore

As part of the management team, he had a lot of brainstorming sessions with the other members of the technical and management team of GDG-VIT Vellore and came up with quite a lot of good ideas that helped the chapter grow in VIT. He, along with the team of GDG VIT Vellore, came up with the ideas of MyVIT and MyFFCS, both well received by the students of the institute.He was a part of the team that undertook the development of the official VIT website.When the 2014 Admission Campaign was undertaken by GDG VIT Vellore, he was major part of the project. He also took the job of making the VIT website readily available online.

The Experience..

Fondly recalling the late night work, the projects he undertook and spent time brainstorming about, the friends he made being a part of GDG, the ones that he would never really have had if it had not been for the chapter and finally the lovely, although lonely night roads of VIT, he says that GDG as a whole has given him memories that he is going to treasure all his life.

The Impact

The better you become, the better you can help the chapter grow.So it comes as no surprise when Shamvil, who credits most of his skills of public speaking and management to the chapter, took the chapter to a completely different level of success when he was President.He also mentions learning a lot about Google AdSense and Google AdWords while being a part of the chapter, something that had become the most essential components of marketing on the World Wide Web.


Although, not a part of GDG VIT Vellore anymore, he overlooks the working of the chapter.He is finishing his course in VIT and has a few placement offers on his desk at the moment.He mentions having a wonderful experience in chapter and credits the brilliant team of GDG Vellore for it.He claims that unlike other chapters who have a core committee framework, GDG Vellore has an inner circle framework. He also believes that GDG Vellore is unique and believes that its doing well this time seeing that it has been only three years since it has started and that it has a bright future ahead of it.

To more about him and learn the skills that he has acquired and polished over time , feel free to contact him at

