The Quantum Tale

GDSC VIT Vellore
Published in
7 min readJul 3, 2024

Remember how Doctor Strange was left stranded in a parallel universe in the movie Spider-Man? It makes you wonder about the possibilities of actually having another universe with slightly different states and dynamics, often referred to as the multiverse. But what if we could create one? Shifting our focus from movies to academics, chemistry can become much more engaging by practically understanding how different molecules react with various substances. Predictions about these reactions can be made using Artificial Intelligence (AI), our modern-day fortune-teller. However, AI sometimes struggles with handling such complex data. This is where our superhero, Quantum Computing, steps in to save the day.

Quantum Computer (Image taken from TechCentral)

Understanding Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing is a theory that was once just a speculative concept but has now evolved into a field that could drastically revolutionize various industries and scientific endeavors. Quantum computing is cooked with aspects of computer science, physics, and mathematics as some of its ingredients.

What sets quantum computers apart from others? One could say they may lead to a lot more dollars on the bills, but honestly, I believe they are worth that. When we compare it with classical computers that have electrical signals representing either on or off using 0s or 1s as its bits, quantum computers have quantum bits or qubits (CUE-bits). The states of these qubits define how the information would be processed.

Quantum Computing (Image taken by Shutterstock)

It seems as if our lives are moving quite smoothly with classical computers themselves, so why do we even need quantum computers? Before this, we must understand the concept of ‘Complex Problems’ (like your situation-ship). Please do not consider this as problems related to complex numbers including the imaginary constant iota. Well, Complex Problems are those that might occur with multiple variables that are interacting with one another in a complex manner. Let’s consider ethical hackers as an example. Ethical hackers may have time constraint issues and may even lack of resources to thoroughly execute their plan of action. This is where quantum computing comes in by easing out the task of decryption using multiple computational spaces.

What exactly do we mean by computational spaces? These are states of the quantum system that could help in exploring vast solution spaces in parallel, thus leading to potentially faster and more efficient algorithms for solving complex problems. Before we take a deep dive into the concept of computational spaces, let us understand a few principles of quantum computing.

Principles of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a language in itself, with its own set of alphabets and numbers. Thus, to further understand every bit and piece of it we must understand some of its laws and principles.

Superposition (Image taken from Caltech Science Exchange)


A quantum state can represent any particular value or be the sum of two or more states. In layman’s terms, it can hold the state of 0, 1, or both at the same time. When multiple states come together, it opens up the possibility of creating even more computational spaces.


Imagine a seesaw. When one end goes up, the other end goes down, meaning one end depends on the other. The concept of entanglement is similar. In this concept, the state of a qubit is correlated with another state, even if they are physically separated. When multiple qubits become entangled, they create multiple correlations that can span numerous computational spaces.


Have you noticed the buzzing fan sound in your computer systems? These fans are used for cooling the system so it can function properly. Similarly, quantum processors require a very cold environment to operate. They need to be kept at about a hundredth of a degree above absolute zero, which is achieved using super-cooled fluids. This allows electrons to move smoothly without any resistance.

Where is Quantum Computing used?


Quantum computers can break the existing cryptographic schemes which enables ethical hackers to utilize quantum computers to test the security of these schemes.

Cryptography (Image taken from SIGARCH)


Quantum computing offers unparalleled efficiency in solving optimization problems. For example, processing, understanding, and working with large amounts of data would become much easier using these processors.

Machine Learning:

ML is an area of study that requires extensive research and analysis of vast quantities of data. Quantum computing holds the promise of enhancing machine learning models by accelerating training processes, enabling more robust pattern recognition, and facilitating the analysis of large datasets.


Accurate simulation of tasks can be tedious as it involves a lot of complex problems. The current supercomputers cannot achieve the level of accuracy that these simulations demand. Quantum computing, on the other hand, can create multiple computational spaces to understand and create the desired simulation.

Automobile Industry:

As seen above, quantum computing helps in creating accurate simulations which can thus be used to expand the automobile industries. It can also be used to enhance overall vehicle safety, optimize route planning, and improve collision avoidance strategies. Simulations can be used for testing and validating autonomous driving systems, thus accelerating their growth.

Quantum Computing in Artificial Intelligence

AI and Quantum Computing (Image taken by ET Government)

Artificial Intelligence stands as the transformative force poised to shape our future, and its potential is further magnified when it converges with quantum computing technology. This powerful alliance holds the promise of unraveling the countless complexities present in our current technological landscape.

Quantum Machine Learning:

Machine Learning (ML) algorithms based on quantum computing can explore high-dimensional data spaces, optimize feature selection, and train models with unprecedented speed and accuracy. Quantum computers can also enhance classical machine learning techniques by enabling more efficient optimization processes and accelerating training times.

Quantum Neural Networks:

Quantum neural networks, also known as quantum-inspired neural networks, leverage quantum entanglement and superposition to represent and process data in ways that classical neural networks cannot. These architectures have the potential to achieve superior performance on specific tasks, such as pattern recognition and optimization.

Natural Language Processing:

Quantum computing accelerates the breakdown and analysis of information, significantly improving efficiency and speed. This makes it capable for efficient processing of large textual datasets and complex language models. Quantum algorithms can enhance tasks such as language translation, sentiment analysis, and information retrieval by efficiently representing and manipulating linguistic data in quantum states.

Quantum Computing and the Multiverse

The multiverse hypothesis proposes the existence of multiple universes or parallel realities coexisting alongside our own. Quantum computing operates on the principles of superposition and entanglement, which define the state of each qubit and hint at the practical possibility of multiple universes. Despite how fascinating this sounds, its direct connection to the multiverse remains speculative and largely hypothetical. Nevertheless, there are specific theories underpinning ongoing research and advancements in this field, including:

Quantum Parallelism and Multiverse Analogies:

The ability possessed by Quantum Computing to perform multiple calculations simultaneously, known as quantum parallelism, has drawn comparisons with the concept of parallel universes. Just as a quantum system can exist in multiple states simultaneously until measured, the multiverse hypothesis suggests the existence of multiple parallel realities, each representing a different outcome or configuration of the universe.

Quantum Simulation of Multiverse Scenarios:

Numerous researchers have undertaken the challenge of simulating hypothetical multiverse scenarios and exploring the implications of various cosmological models. By doing so, they can simulate the behavior of complex multiverse theories and assess how well these theories align with fundamental principles of physics and mathematics.

And just like that, you and I might be part of a universe where we already possess all this information.

Multiverse (Image taken from Tufts)


1. Requirement for extremely low temperatures:

Just as humans are sensitive to extreme temperatures, qubits are even more vulnerable to temperature variations and electromagnetic interference. To function properly, qubits must be maintained at extremely low temperatures, close to absolute zero (0 Kelvin or -273.15°C). Maintaining such low temperatures is a challenging and complex task.

2. Post-quantum cryptography is a national security concern:

Quantum computing is a powerful tool for performing decryption tasks because it utilizes multiple computational spaces simultaneously. However, this capability could also lead to significant cybersecurity challenges. According to tech experts, quantum computing holds the potential to develop robust encryption methods. Until this transition occurs, though, we remain vulnerable to unethical hackers.

3. Unintended consequences of quantum computing with AI:

The integration of AI often contributes to the dissemination of misinformation and irrelevant information. When combined with quantum computing, this technology can amplify issues related to surveillance and manipulation, potentially resulting in an even broader spread of misinformation.

Quantum Computing- Boon or Bane (Image taken from Adobe Stock)


In conclusion, quantum computing signifies a revolutionary leap in computation, delivering unmatched power and transformative potential across diverse applications. This groundbreaking technology promises to make our lives easier and more efficient, ushering in unprecedented breakthroughs in the tech world. However, as with any innovation, quantum computing has challenges, as previously mentioned. While it may never solve every problem (like deciding where your partner wants to eat for dinner), it’s clear that quantum computing will propel us to new heights in technological advancement in the coming years.

