4Gs of Developer Student Clubs (DSC)

Frances Marie Teves
Google Developers Group Cebu
3 min readMay 3, 2019

Attention all university students! Eyes here!

We are so excited to announce the launch of Developer Student Clubs here in SEA! Google Developers opens Developer Student Clubs (DSC), a program that aims to help university students start their own communities on campus. DSC leads will gain access to Google technology, events, and mentorship while training their local community through fun meetups, project building activities, and global competitions.

Want to know more about Developer Student Clubs (DSC)?

Here are the 4Gs that you need to remember:

  • Google

Google collaborates with university students who are passionate about growing developer communities and supports them with starting student clubs on their campuses. Alongside with other local Google communities (Google Developers Group, Google Business Group), DSC will be working together with them in sharing Google technologies that can help in the community’s needs and day to day activities. They also get to help organize major events in their cities for their local communities.

  • Get

DSC Leads will get the chance to access numerous resources that can help in their journey to become professional developers. They will also get the opportunity to exhibit their projects and solutions to the local community. They also get to inspire other students to become student leaders themselves or even become DSC leads in the future.

  • Gain

If there’s one thing that DSC leads will gain in their entire experience, it’s a combination of programming + communication skills. This is through various activities like meetups, hackathons, sessions, and talks. Who knows, aside from expanding your connections in your community, you can also gain new best friends along the way.

  • Grow

Aside from developing their technical skills, they will also grow as a leader. In their tenures, DSC leads will be working with Google and collaborating with different student developers in their community as well as network with other DSC leaders in their country and nation. By the end of their DSC experience, they have transitioned one step closer to becoming a greater student leader/developer.

Those are just some things to watch out for if you join #DeveloperStudentClubs.

The only question remaining is if you are up for the challenge? If the 4Gs of DSC has sparked your interest to become a leader in your university and community, apply now at g.co/dev/dsc.

To top it all off, selected DSC leads will join the most awaited DSC Regional Summit with other selected student DSC leads across Southeast Asian countries! So what are you waiting for? apply now!

For more information about Developer Student Clubs, check out their official website https://developers.google.com/programs/dsc/.



Frances Marie Teves
Google Developers Group Cebu

Project Manager. Developer. Tech Host. TV Show Geek. Young adult venturing through life.