What transpired during the Google I/O Extended Cebu 2019

Jessa Marie Pedrola
Google Developers Group Cebu
5 min readAug 7, 2019

Last July 20, 2019, Google Developer Group (GDG) Cebu hosted the Google I/O Extended Cebu 2019 at the J Centre Mall Convention Hall.

Over 900+ professionals, students and tech enthusiasts gathered for the free whole day event.

Different experts were invited to talk and gave workshops about interesting topics like Machine Learning, Android, Web and Cloud Technologies.

For the program and list of speakers, see our previous post here.

Intro and Keynotes

The event was kicked off by our GDG Community manager, Frances Marie Teves. It was followed by GDE for Cloud and Machine Learning and CTO of Symph, Albert Padin who talked about how Now anyone can build an app and then another keynote by Rakuten Viki Manager, Julius Uy who shared us some of the latest updates from Google I/O 2019.

Arlan German, a senior high student from Science and Technology Education Center in Lapu-Lapu City also shared his project about a medical tumor scanner and how he was inspired by events like Google I/O Extended. Arlan and his group was also the winner of the Google Bizfest x Devfest Project Showcase we held last year.

One of our GDG Leads, Franchette Camoro, together with Frances also shared their very own Google I/O Experience in Mountainview, California.

A sudden game of Jeopardy was played where our speakers answered random questions about the recent Google I/O. The losing team’s consequence was to dance in front of everybody.

Breakout Sessions

The afternoon was divided into four different breakout sessions with many different topics the participants can choose from.

Raffle and Closing Remarks

Aside from the learnings that the participants got from our speakers, lucky raffle winners were also able to take home prizes from Yondu and limited swags from GDG Cebu. One lucky winner was able to bring home a Google Home Mini.

The event was concluded by Frances where she thanked our speakers, volunteers and participants.


Google I/O Extended Cebu 2019 is sponsored by Google. It is brought to you by GDG and Women Techmakers (WTM) Cebu in cooperation with PLDT Innolab. We give our special thanks to Arcanys and Yondu. We’d also like to thank our amazing supporters, the Department of Information and Communications Technology and Bubble Tea Station.

What’s Next?

GDG Cebu DevFest 2019 is coming this November! To know the latest updates, make sure to like our Facebook page, Google Developers Group (GDG) Cebu.

Thank you, Cebu!

