DevFest 2019

GDG Coimbatore

Siddarth Kengadaran
GDG Coimbatore
3 min readSep 18, 2019


It is one of the milestone event for us. To backtrack the ideation of this DevFest happened about 82 days. When the call for speakers went up we received around 45 registrations and we reached out to 20 speakers keeping in mindset diversity both in gender and in the topics. We heard your feedback from the previous events and we tested the two track format for beginners and intermediates, of course every experiment has it’s own leanings we would tweak this format in the future events from the feedback heard from this time. With the to and fro emails, for the speakers, sponsors the plan is set.

Beginner Track

and the rest is known we got amazing response from the participants we got around 300 registrations, we tried pushing forward to bring more women in tech to the event though we have long way to go we got 66 women in tech this year including volunteers and speakers. A glimpse of the participant distribution.

Slides from the speaker:

Demystifying Google AI Platform — Jayesh Ahire

Taking your Journey with Technology — Srividhya Subramony (To be updated)

WebXR: The Journey to the Center of Reality — Bhuvana Meenakshi K

Cross Browser Extension — Vishwaprasath KS

Security 101 — Sindhuja M

Firebase for Web — Vrijraj Singh (To be updated)

Automation in IT Industry — Gokul R

Data Driven Insights— Venkatesa Madhan V

Get your feet wet with Machine Learning — Logesh Kumar
Code Lab

Progressive Web Apps: A Quickstart — Siddharth Sham (To be updated)

Voice First with Google Assistant — Sreelal TS & Aravind Venugopal

Introduction to MVVM + Live Data + Dagger 2 — Ajith V

All this would not have happened without the efforts of the volunteering team:

Thank you all participants, volunteers and the sponsors for making this event a grand success.

Intermediate Track

We believe in feedback which helps us to grow better. Please do fill the feedback form

Sponsors and special mentions:

Amirtaas Vegeterian for their extended support you can reach out to Kartheek to avail their service +91 95858 68403.

Nanban Startup Labs



AGK Films

For Upcoming Events:



Siddarth Kengadaran
GDG Coimbatore

Product Consultant, Enabling teams to strategize and build with conscious intention. Currently exploring Spatial Computing (XR) and AI.