Widgets that will help you in the Process of becoming GDPR Compliant

Vicky Dallas
Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2018

Via wikipedia: The General Data Protection Regulation is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. It was adopted on 27 April 2016. It becomes enforceable from 25 May 2018, after a two-year transition period.

At Appocalypsis we have started developing widgets that will help in the process of becoming #GDPR Compliant.

After you’ve checked & organized: What personal data you use, at what point you collect that data, for how long you store that data, the time will come that you will have to communicate that to your Website’s visitors.

This is where Appocalypsis comes in to help.

Transparency requirements under the GDPR
Under the accountability principle laid out in Article 5.2, a data controller “must be able to demonstrate that personal data are processed in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject.” These transparency obligations begin at the data collection stage and apply “throughout the life cycle of processing.” via iapp.org

Our first set of Widgets will help you on communicating in a transparent manner what you collect with your website’s visitors.

Widget about Cookies being placed on the visitors device.

Widget informing visitors about what cookies you use and why. Also giving the ability to add a link from where the Visitor change choose which cookies they allow you to add to their Devices (i.e. Analytics Cookies, Advertising Cookies and so on)

Widget with “Quick Links” to your Privacy Policy, Opt in / Opt out pages etc.

There are a few areas your visitors need to know about how you operate. Those areas include your Privacy Policy (which will be changed — if not already changed), what cookies you use and why (1st party & 3rd party cookies), how they can OPT IN but also OPT OUT from any marketing activity provided by you.

This widget offers that exactly. All the information needed in a nice manner.

Direct your visitors to the pages they need to know about. If you haven’t got everything ready, we also give the ability to Hide certain sections.

Don’t worry, 1 step at a time :).

Another example of the Same Widget

This is another example which works like the Widget above, just presented in a different manner. We will be offering several more designs for you to choose from.

We can also prepare a Custom Widget for you if you … askmenicely :)

Several widget are in the way which will help in other areas defined by GDPR, for example asking for consent. Unbundled and not pre-checked checkboxes are being developed as we speak.

Check out the first set of widgets here.

