“VIBES” Community Program Report #1 — And welcome to stage 2!

Gearbox Protocol ⚙️🧰
7 min readOct 8, 2022

GEARHeads, we are happy to tell you that Gearbox Protocol is gaining momentum, and the community program that metaDAO has organized is in full swing! In short period of time, we were able to increase our Twitter and Discord activity by 10-15% thanks to your involvement. New members took the quiz to win the Explorer role — and they did a great job! On top of the quiz, we had a meme contest with DropsEarn and a little raffle at Gleam which was really fun. But that's not all. Let's learn more about each of the events and a little information about the new stage for those who took the quiz.

Let’s start with the most expected, the QUIZ results

We received more than 2000 participants, 1800 of them answered the questions correctly and are ready to get their proofs of completion, represented as NFTs (on Polygon). These NFTs are not planned to have any tokens behind them or any financial value, they are just your pass to further community VIBES stages. Some obvious botting behavior was removed, some was more sophisticated — that doesn’t matter though, as this is just the 1st stage — GEARhead Explorer

By the way, you can find out the correct answers here.

A funny situation happened, we would like to share it with you. There are two of the most popular wrong answers. Oddly enough, these were the questions that people were most often wrong about — and oddly enough, these are the most easy and basic questions about Gearbox. LOL?

Now let’s answer them together! “Can borrowed funds be transferred to a CEX to use even more leverage?” No, of course not! You can think of a Credit Account as a leveraged wallet that is on top of your main wallet and has an Allowlist of contracts with which it can interact. You can’t just transfer assets from a Credit Account to another wallet, just like you can’t send them to a CEX. “Can I get a reward for using Gearbox on the testnet?” —no. Gearbox is live on mainnet for months on Ethereum mainnet, and the testnet took place back in 2021.

PS: a small secret - V2 is live on Goerli, you can f*ck around & find out!

Results of the Gleam & Contest with DropsEarn

2,600 people participated in our Gleam giveaway. We made a great noise on Twitter. At the end of this article we have a new contest for you, don’t miss your chance, participate and win some GEARs!


Some Gearbox DAO contributors held a well-attended AMA in the RU speaking community of Narnia. We did a small meme contest together and raffled off 50,000 GEAR all as part of the pre-approved VIBES budget.

The long-awaited ”dummy” NFT and your role in Discord

These NFTs are not planned to have any tokens behind them or any financial value, they are just your pass to the next VIBES stages. Don’t buy or trade them, they are just a badge. No psyops.

Everyone who successfully completed the quiz is worthy of an Explorer-badge, represented as an NFT on Polygon. It’s time to get your badge!

  1. Go to Discord and use Collab.Land (you can find it in the #get-a-role)
  2. Connect your Metamask wallet which already has your NFT
  3. Proceed with signing the Collab-Land message

Congrats, you now have the Explorer role!

These NFTs are not planned to have any tokens behind them or any financial value, they are just your pass to the next VIBES stages.

Also note the VIBES metaDAO branch, on the left channel menu. At the moment, there are 3 channels where the main activities will take place.

  1. #news-and-raids — a channel where we will publish news about the program and share links for raids.
  2. #main-vibes — here you can chat about activities and discuss VIBES.
  3. #admin-points — in this channel, some contributors will use admin commands and give you points for your contribution.

Discord bot is running, it will give you points:

You can send him a message in DM and he will answer you by sending you the rules of how it can be used. It looks something like this:

Basically, you need to use them in DM. You can add your address (Ethereum, non-exchange address), see the address you added or disable it (your points are tied to your account, but the address must be tied to the bot so that we can send you your rewards when the time comes) and also, of course, you can see how many points you have.

Points are not GEAR tokens - the points are a representation of your activity and contributions in-between stages. The idea is to grow the community leaderboard and grant prizes after every other stage. For example, here is how it can work:

  • you start with a POAP, you help with some raids;
  • you do some small tasks and receive more points;
  • BAM! You get a new limited-edition commemorative POAP.
  • BAM! Some GEAR tokens are attributed to limited POAP holders.
  • you do some more work and simple tasks, create unique content…
  • BAM! You get yet another even more exclusive POAP.
  • BAM! Some more GEAR tokens are attributed to certain POAP holders.
  • You get the idea :) It’s achievement-based, not pay-to-play.

It is important to remember the fact that not all participants will receive GEARs, but only those who are at the top and contribute good work. How many participants will be the best? If you do great things on a regular basis, you will definitely get some of the goodies.

Retroactive Community Rewards 🤖

Also, in recent weeks, some of the participants have been more active and have shown exceptional contributions! We would like to highlight them and allocate some rewards for their work and efforts.

  • Age#5397 —to be given extra points in the VIBES program.
  • Border#1362 — to be given extra points in the VIBES program.
  • Startling👺#1313 — to be given extra points in the VIBES program.
  • FaTaJluTu#5960 — to be given extra points in the VIBES program.

And also some of absolute legends:

  • Alex (Hiinvest)#4432: 100k GEAR — organization AMA in Narnia.
  • od#4596: 30k GEAR — active participation in the support & ideation.
  • 0xBeckoningCat#7181: 25k GEAR — active participation in the DAO.
  • FranktheTank#7718: 25k GEAR — active participation in the DAO.
  • cryptouf#2315: 25k GEAR — help in the French community & media.
  • Paul Cr from DEFI Check: 20k GEAR — news and community support.
  • Zero | 0Y#7988: 15k GEAR — help with news and proposals.
  • mozuku#1169: 15k GEAR - help with the Japanese community.
  • defigen#4296: 5k GEAR — help with covering important milestones and proposals in the local community.
  • Ренат#4601: 2.5k GEAR — organization AMA Hare Crypto.
  • weff#0731: 100 GEAR — did nothing (need more value).

We are seeing great community growth, so keep participating in the activities and have fun! Don't forget that V2 is around the corner. Find out more

I [nikitakle] might ping you in Discord for your address, so the VIBES multisig could execute the transaction later on. Please keep in mind this will happen in weeks time only, as GEAR is currently untransferable.

BONUS Gleam brrr RT

Let it be a small tradition from metaDAO we are launching a new Gleam and everyone who carefully reads our articles can participate haha

GO HERE -> https://gleam.io/CNwji/vibes-gleam-by-gearbox-dao

