“VIBES” Sub-DAO Community Report #3 — new quiz & retroactive grants!

Gearbox Protocol ⚙️🧰
10 min readApr 4, 2023

How’s the vibe, GEARHeads? I’m glad to be writing for you again because our quarterly meetings have become a tradition. So much has happened, Muggle or amplice on behalf of Intern tell you so much about Alpha each month that I felt it’s time to bring you a bit of the simple stuff. Simple but the most important stuff. So this will be an update to recognise and reward the GEARHeads who have helped the community grow and create the… VIBES. (PS: If we forgot anyone, please feel free to kill us in Discord)

It’s because of you that Gearbox moves forward, our chats every week in our cozy Discord, playing poker or making noise on raids. These are the traditions that make us, us. And which we will, of course, continue and expand on. Q1 flew by pretty fast. You can even remember how we started the year with presents and lying in bed, and then just as fondly and with renewed vigor went back to work. But between this time, there was a lot that we did together. Now, it’s time we enjoy the fruits of the past months and start the new Q2 with new Explorers (spoiler alert, yes again we are opening doors for new members) and new motivations… And obviously, with V3 coming out, VIBES will also go a level above.

What is VIBES?

The goal of VIBES is to encourage new community members to create interesting content and quality contribution. By creating and sharing this content and make contribution, they can help promote Gearbox DAO to a wider audience. VIBES also good platform for new members to learn from others and build connections within the community fostering a supportive environment.

Creating content is a big part of VIBES. Members are encouraged to use their creativity to create unique content that showcases the values and goals of Gearbox DAO. This can include memes, videos, articles, stickers, emoji, infographic and etc, etc. By creating this content, members are helping to spread the word about Gearbox DAO in a fun and engaging way. This allows Explorers to share their insights and knowledge with the rest of the community, creating a space for learning and growth. By sharing what they’ve learned, Explorers can help others avoid common pitfalls and build a stronger community together.

But VIBES isn’t just about creating content. Members are also encouraged to use the product and provide feedback on their experiences. Create integrations, put forward proposals, media support with KOLs power and more. VIBES also helps with Twitter raids to promote the main ideas of the DAO. This involves reposting, commenting, and liking posts on Twitter to help spread the word about Gearbox DAO. It’s a fun and easy way to get involved with the community and support the growth of the project.

VIBES is a fantastic way to get involved with Gearbox DAO and help build a stronger community. Whether you’re interested we’d love to have you onboard:

Key Results and goals

  • Higher twitter following. Previous cycle saw following 3x from 17k to 51k.
  • Higher twitter engagement, previous cycle saw a 72% increment over the May-June period and currently stands close to ATH.
  • Increasing PR department capabilities. Increase in KOLs, increase in Media outlets, increase in publications.
  • Higher Discord retention and more active chats.
  • Increase brand and V3 awareness, current V3 campaign and posts across KOLs and Gearbox have already crossed half a million views. Goal will be to deliver 2.5M views for Redefine.
  • To increase general awareness and competence regarding use post community expansion. By creating a learning funnel from airdrop hunter → active community member → user → advanced user. Will help Gearbox and DeFi both grow.
  • Get more feedback about the product and its advantages/disadvantages through regular surveys of active users.

How have things been going

Everything is great, we are growing and doing lots of interesting things together. 0xdapper is helping with Zapper integrations and earning grants, adalhi came to the forum and offered to do a financial report for 2022 and got his piece of the pie, we also upgraded the discord bot and Gonzo (dev bot) is working too. We have a lot of Twitter KOLs joining us who are doing a great job of telling the world about Gearbox. There are really many of them and you should know them by sight because they are our friends who also contribute to DAO and promote our goals. DeFi Advisoor, Wajahat Mughal, 0xShinChan, Hoeem, Salazar.eth, arndxt, Hangry, 2Lambroz, Viktor DeFi, Slappjakke.eth, Crypto Linn, DeFi Mochi, Vatn. We also have great friends from CIS such as Narnia, Cryptus Media, Incrypted, Defi check, Zero 0Y, Lamer, Defigen, Gagarin, HareCrypta. So if you suddenly think that the marketing side of VIBES is resting, in Bali and doing nothing, know that this is not the case. We try very hard to make sure that all the great stuff that developers do ends up right on the table of hungry degens.

Here’s a small of brief of activities that took place over the last couple of months:

Portfolio battle

We held a portfolio battle with Incrypted
It was quite fun, we started it just after the new year and the market started to grow. But as we know AI shitcoins were very positive then and those who chose them won. The results are here:


There are still poker tournaments on Fridays and we have a steady average of 60–70 participants each time. Many have already received their coveted NFT badges for the prizes.

How to join and what rewards can I expect?

  1. Start by learning the protocol and use our resources (Twitter, Medium, Notion & Documents) to prepare well for the quiz that will give you the NFT Badge and then the role of Explorer.
  2. Take a new quiz (Information about it below)
  3. Get your discord role using Guild.xyz and link your wallet to VIBESCommunityBot (just send a DM to the bot, it will tell you what to do)
  4. Go to the VIBES metaDAO thread on Discord. Read news and participate in activities. And also come up with opportunities for yourself, if you know how to do what you think will be useful for DAO, just do it and send your work to the #proof-of-work channel
  5. You are already earning points! And we are gradually forming a leaderboard, as a result of which the best participants will receive various awards.

Rewards and where they come from…

The VIBES initiative has a budget it has requested from the main DAO. This was done at the very beginning in the proposal to create VIBES:

Thus 50k USDC and 10M GEAR were allocated. To enable VIBES to pay for various activities and PR and marketing. We keep a full record of payments and all this can be checked on-chain to be as honest and transparent as possible with all participants:

By the way, you can see the awards for the last VIBES season. To understand how much the Explorers who did a great job earned:

This month we plan to pay about $20k for community merchandise and new rewards for VIBES Explorers because they were excellent contributors during Q1 and deserve it. So our budget may not last until the end of Q2 and we want to ask DAO for a budget for this period. 25k USDC and 3m GEAR should definitely be enough to spare. It does not have to be spent, but the goal is simply to ensure that the VIBES treasury is not on the verge of bankruptcy and that it feels okay. Here a proposal on the forum:

Lifetime winners

Wonderful things are being done by Explorers and our competitions look really cool! Let’s have a look at them and what they ended up getting for it!

Meme Contest Gearbots:

The meme contest was fun, thanks to everyone who took part. That was great!

  • Second19, Banker, Elvira –10.000 GEAR for each
  • Raul0287, araxuc –5.000 GEAR for each
  • Travis Henderson, Ranil, Ringo Ishikawa, Seryoja, Ilya | Meme Lord — 2.000 GEAR for each

Sticker & Emoji Contest:

Thank you to all participants, especially those who listened to our wishes and made wonderful stickers, which are so cool reveal all the charms of our mascot! After we prolonged the contest, there were a lot of great artists added to our list of participants! That’s why we decided to increase the prize pool by 50%. We will use 150.000 GEAR in gratitude for your entries!

We have a clear winner, who made a great EMOJI for us

  • bigdevil 25.000 GEAR

Then there are the people who added new emotions for the mascot

  • FaTaJluTu 20.000 GEAR
  • ариша 20.000 GEAR
  • araxuc 20.000 GEAR

Then there are those who made cool caricatures

  • McKinneyEsmond 10.000 GEAR
  • Stepaa01 10.000 GEAR
  • Julia11 10.000 GEAR

There are those who just did a good job, but weren’t as flashy as those described above.

  • white_fern 5.000 GEAR
  • MoHmiche 5.000 GEAR

And then there are some good guys who also tried to participate

  • Ranil 3.000 GEAR
  • Veronikka 3.000 GEAR
  • John Maggot Rot 3.000 GEAR
  • mahanak 3.000 GEAR
  • dicounter 3.000 GEAR
  • Tom Boxer 2.500 GEAR
  • Anton_Shtro 2.500 GEAR
  • zedoc2018 2.500 GEAR
  • Nonetochno 2.500 GEAR

There were some that we didn’t mention, but we don’t think these works are affiliated with Gearbox.

Everyone mentioned above should send their wallets in DM nikitakle#4627. Also attach a link to your work + a link to the source files for downloading (it can be png and gif), sizes and permissions for Discord and Telegram in separate folders.

VIBES Explorers Q2 Rewards.

There are participants who tried the hardest in this period and they deserve to be rewarded, the system is the same as last time 1 point = 1000 GEAR, the minimum number of points to get the rewards is 10.

Here is the leaderboard:

Rewards will be sent out in the coming days, join in the new season!

NEW VIBES QUIZ: Gearbox x Galxe

VIBES is successful and wants to grow. It’s time to call in more new Explorers to refresh our community and strengthen the GEARHeads even more. Let’s do it again with NEW VIBES QUIZ:

Participate and get a new NFT Badge! This applies not only to new participants, but also to those who already have the Explorer role! Good luck to everyone!

Don’t forget that all the information about the protocol that will help you answer all your questions is here: Documents, Medium, Notion, Twitter

How can I earn $GEAR without being a part of vibes?

Well if the amazing community and fun activities isn’t how you want to earn your $GEAR, there’s another way to do it. You can pop up in our discord and request to be a KOL. As a KOL, you can be a part of our referral program that rewards you in USDC basis the amount of LP you bring in

Learn more:

If you would like to earn passively, remember to Lend into our Lending Pools to earn GEAR. If you want to take leverage as Ninja just ping us on Discord or post on the forum. Otherwise you can always get involved with the DAO — discuss, research, lead and share. Call contributors out on their bullshit and collaborate on making things better.

Here is how you can follow developments:


