How to setup Masternode from Beginners

Published in
5 min readJun 2, 2018

This guide is for a single masternode, on a Ubuntu 16.04 64bit server (VPS) running headless and will be controlled from the wallet on your local computer (Control wallet). The wallet on the the VPS will be referred to as the Remote wallet.
You will need your server details for progressing through this guide.

First the basic requirements:

  1. 10,000 GEEK (Get GeekCash)
  2. A main computer (Your everyday computer) — This will run the control wallet, hold your collateral 10,000 GEEK and can be turned on and off without affecting the masternode.
  3. Masternode Server (VPS — The computer that will be on 24/7)
  4. A unique IP address for your VPS / Remote wallet

(For security reasons, you’re are going to need a different IP for each masternode you plan to host)

The basic reasoning for these requirements is that, you get to keep your GEEK in your local wallet and host your masternode remotely, securely.

GeekCash Masternode
  1. Firstly go to DigitalOcean and get an account, you may use my link reference as a token of appreciation to take the time to write this guide, and you get $10 to try the service of DigitalOcean.
    Take your $10:
  2. Click to Create Droplet to create new Droplet
Create Droplet

3. Choose an image, choose Ubuntu 16.04.4 x64

4. Choose a size, usually the most basic size will do, choose “25 GB SSD/1 CPU/1GB Memory/1TB Transfer”

5. Choose your datacenter location, choosing the closest place to you, this should minimize ping times

6. On “Additional Features” I always choose only “Enable IPv6” (don’t know why to be honest).

7.Choose number of Droplets, choose a hostname and finally click on “Create”

8. Wait until the “Status” of your VPS says “Active”, then double click to start

9. Install “Terminus” to sync hosts across every device (Download PuTTY for Windows)

10. Create new host

11. Host info you can find on email which DigitalOcean send to you when you setup Droplet success

12. Start new Host by double click to hosts

13. Now you can run host terminal on terminus

14. Return your client machine -> go to geekcash ->create new masternode wallet address

15. Make sure your wallet have enough GeekCash

getnewaddress masternode-01

16. Create new masternode address

17. Send exactly 10000 Geek to masternode address

19. Confirm information of transaction

19. Check Transaction status and wait until transaction validated success

20. Get masternode outputs information

masternode outputs

21. Create Masternode Private Key

masternode genkey

22.Return terminus and setup master node use guild

  • Download
  • Add permission to run file
  • Run bash / and enter your masternode privatekey
chmod +x ./
bash ./

23. Wait until wallet install success machine will restart after install success

24. Return your GeekCash goto Tools -> Information -> Datadir and go to GeekCash location

25. Edit file masternode.conf

add config with format: alias IP:port masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index


Port : default 6889

Masternodeprivkey: 7rXGGfG4Q63UPYJNU33hjyaJnmFg4LVymRRm3uvYzxj89PBtguv (masternode genkey)

collateral_output_txid: db98e98ad668b6ae1adc31d3aba0843fe98d09e6127c10239f40ff4279a90710(masternode outputs)

collateral_output_index : 1 (masternode outputs)

26. Save file and restart GeekCash

27. Go to Preferences -> Wallet tab -> click Show Masternode Tab

28. On tab Masternode wait until Synchronizing success => click Start all

29. You will see successfully notice

30. On Tab All Masternodes -> paste your Address into Filter List

31.Your master status will be PRE_ENABLED

32. When you start masternode it will be queued in sync, can wait 30 min. However, when the network is larger, many masternodes take a long time to synchronize data, which may take up to several hours, or even longer to switch to the Enabled state. But do not worry, ignore the system for its work.

Did you have 10,000 Geek? Get it now:

