The first Project of the GeekCash Ecosystem

Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2018
ViralRoll — Next Generation Shorten Platform

Such a long time we did not post any news, so we take a deep apology to Geekcash’s community for your support and patience. We still here and working hard. If someone follow the change on GitHub to say team is active or not that is not wrong, but all library and other project of Geekcash is under Gitlab account. The initial road map we made will be change to fit with present. We will spend less time for the additional functions of Geek, since at the moment it is not necessary.We focus on applied Geek to more realistic project than just exploiting and selling.
So today after such a long time, we announce first GeekCash’s project.

Next Generation Shorten Platform
Normally, we would think that this is just a simple system, nothing special except counting the number of clicks. But those who work a lot in the field of online marketing and MMO they know that in order to campaign more effectively, optimizing revenue and costs, Shorten System is indispensable. With our first release we have developed the following features:

Branded Link
Showcase your brand instead of a third party domain. Build an unforgettable brand experience.

Call to Action
VRL generates unique links for you to share. Anyone clicking on your links will see the content along with your call-to-action inside. Check demo

Call to Action

Email Before Link
You share the file (PDF, video or whatever) on your own server. You require users to enter their name and email address prior to seeing the link to download the file. Check demo

Email before link

Signup Form
Attach an email capture form so visitors can signup for your mailing list. Check demo

Signup Form

Paid Per Share
You host the file (PDF, PPT, video, or whatever) on your own server. You require users to pay a fee before seeing the link to download the file. Check demo

Make Money from any shares

Discover more features at:

GeekCash is a passionate product of all members so we will devote all our time to developing it, do not worry if the dev team is working or not.

Actually, developing a new platform is not fast, so hopefully people will trust and stay with us for a long time.

GeekCash Team

