10 Advantages to Use Flutter for Upcoming App Development Projects

Gaurav Sharma
Geek Culture
Published in
6 min readDec 6, 2022

10 Reasons Why Flutter Is Now Ready for Enterprise App Development

reason to choose fultter for app development

There are several factors to consider while selecting the technologies on which the app will be built. But first, let’s think about two key ideas.

They are the length of time and price of constructing a mobile app. Several frameworks now reduce these two factors. The Flutter development framework has become one of the most popular options.

In this post, you will learn why Flutter may be a wise decision for you or your business.

What is Flutter used for

Google has a cross-platform technology called Flutter. With this toolset, programmers have always been able to create apps for iOS and Android from a specific code source. Sounds recognizable? Yes, cross-platform technologies, including Iconic, Cordova, Xamarin, or React Native, reiterated the same pledge.

So, are new frameworks like Flutter essential?

Developers can create an application with Flutter. They find it more straightforward to employ cross-platform programming because of its single source of software and ready-to-use gadgets.

This makes it even more practical and offers much-improved speed across Android (as Design Techniques) and iOS users (as Cupertino).

You will only need to employ several iOS programmers, Android programmers, and website designers if you run a firm.

Cost management is also another feature of Flutter. Companies are now more concerned about incurring costs for creating mobile applications for several platforms.

Statistics on Flutter

Flutter is a significant development pattern for 2020 that is expected to continue for a while. Google Flutter ranked as the second-most popular platform for developing applications in 2019, as per Statista.

The Flutter app has such significant benefits for companies. In reality, the market is flooded with instances of Flutter apps. Additionally, Xianyu, a Flutter-based app, has been installed in over 50 million different ways and has around 10 million users worldwide.

flutter app popularity

The Stack Overflow study revealed that Flutter is one of the most popular tools and platforms of 2020 among developers globally due to the benefits it delivers.

But like many programs, Flutter has advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, we will outline the advantages of flutter app development in the following paragraphs and offer some guidance based on our expertise.

1. Open-Source and Free Software

First, Google built an open-source UI tool for software development called Flutter. The framework offers a simple method to get documentation from public developer forums and raise bugs.

In other words, it aids in the learning and development of app developers’ talents. The fact that each component is thoroughly described and provides opportunities like adaptability, quality, and autonomy is another feature of open-source programs.

2. Multi-Platform Approach

With Flutter, you can write the code once and employ it to develop applications for various devices.

Compared to the native framework, this significantly reduces the time and effort required to write code for several platforms. Minimizing both the overall cost and planning is done.

Flutter-created solutions may be deployed across iOS, Android, the website, and desktop.

3. Effective UI Engine

There are several widgets in the Flutter framework that provide UI implementation. Over a thousand widgets are already included in the system.

It dramatically speeds up and simplifies the process of building beautiful user interfaces.

Flutter offers two groups of design types as well. It enables designers to construct user interfaces that are most similar to native apps in terms of experience.

4. Several open-source software options

There’s an excellent possibility you may locate a package that can assist you in creating more advanced functionality if your Flutter project needs them.

Many ready-to-use libraries created by programmers worldwide may be found on Pub. dev.

Simple packages like switches and buttons can be found there, as well as more complex ones, including media players or mapping. The packages are continuously updated and expanded by the developers.


Compared to the native scripting language, Flutter’s performance is among the best, outperforming other cross-platform solutions. Flutter employs a standard frame rate of 60 frames per second. (FPS).

The system canvas is used to display Flutter Dart’s code. This improves the performance of the program much further. Architecture is where it all starts. Here is a comparison of the architectures of Flutter and React Native, two frameworks that are both extremely popular.

As can be seen, the foundation of React Native comprises two components: a JavaScript languages link and Native aspects.

React Native software is developed using JavaScript. However, it still uses a bridge to communicate with native devices like Bluetooth or webcams.

The application runs much faster in Flutter than React Native since it does not require a bridge to interact with the native components. Note that Flutter is continually being updated, and the platform’s performance will improve with each new release.

6. Hot Reload and Development

The construction of Flutter apps is fun and quick because of the extraordinary hot reload capability. With Flutter, you can view your code modifications without recompiling the mobile app each time.

You get more possibilities to explore the script and address faults in real time since it’s simple to view modifications in your software in real time.

7. Animated GIFs

Beautiful apps frequently include several moving parts that give the program an “alive” feeling. The life of a developer is made simpler with Flutter, which was developed with graphics in mind.

Development of mobile apps for different businesses in UAE is once again enjoyable since it is simpler to implement and manage animations than it is with native solutions.

Reflect is the ideal illustration of a Flutter program with various motions. The best method to demonstrate the capabilities of the Flutter platform is with this application.

8. Spending less effort on quality management

The quality assurance procedure influences the time and expense required to build an application.

This period is significantly shorter in the instance of the Flutter. A single codebase impacts testing time.

You can be confident that software will function properly on all network environments if it has already been tested in one of them. In conclusion, time and money are saved since unit tests only need to be created once to cover all devices.

9. Support for startups

The Flutter two basic approaches are the most attractive cross-platform development choices.

It provides the quickest time to market at the most affordable prices. Flutter developed as a potent tool for quickly entering a market with MVP goods.

Flutter application software promises a time-to-market that is nearly twice as short.

10. Growing Popularity and the Developer Community

There is a strong development community that works to improve Flutter. Numerous thousands of products have been released by these people on Pub. dev.

You can use at least one widget from each package in your software.

You may quickly discover a solution online if you have problems with Flutter, run into difficulties when employing the tool, or have any queries regarding the framework.

There is a good possibility that what you are searching for is covered by GitHub problems or StackOverflow queries.

Ask questions using the Flutter tag; plenty of Flutter programmers on StackOverflow are happy to assist you.

Why Try Flutter?

To help you decide whether Flutter would be the best option for your organization, below are some of its most notable benefits:

  • Authentic performance
  • Expressive UI
  • one code for the front end and the back end
  • An open-source undertaking
  • Suitable for a minimum viable product (MVP)
  • accelerated code development shortened speed to market
  • Applicable to any particular platform, including web

In reality, most big businesses have built a tiny portion of their current implementation in Flutter. They begin changing additional sections as they realize the advantages of Flutter.


With the community’s assistance, the Flutter framework would be a continually expanding framework.

As you have seen, there are many benefits to using Flutter when creating apps. If you are considering creating a smartphone app, Flutter should be your first option.

You may work with an app flutter designer to make your vision a reality.

Unlike native or cross-platform application development alternatives, employing Flutter for application development has several benefits. Applications created using Flutter will be created faster and cheaper. Additionally, this platform’s network is still expanding.

