10 Shocking Facts I Bet You Didn’t Know About Python Programming Language

#2 Python was named after a tv show — not a snake

Nishi Kashyap
Geek Culture


Photo by Danial Igdery on Unsplash

Founded in 1991 by developer Guido van Rossum, and also known as The “Swiss Army Knife” of Programming Languages, Python has been one of almost every beginner in the programming world.

Since its inception, Python has been the language that is easy to learn and powerful to use; and therefore is used for scientific and computational applications like FreeCAD and Abacus and also by popular companies like Google, Facebook, Netflix, Instagram, and Youtube.

Gregory Reshetnaik, a software architect at Nokia says:

“Myself and others have been using Python for both quick scripting as well as developing enterprise software for Fortune 500 companies. It’s power is flexibility and ease of use in both cases. The learning curve is very mild and the language is feature-rich.”

According to StackOverflow Trends Python is the fastest-growing programming language and is the second-most preferred language for developers. Python also ranked at the #1 position in December 2020 on the PYPL index.

The canonical, “Python is a great first language”, elicited, “Python is a great last…



Nishi Kashyap
Geek Culture

Mystique Writer: tech, coding, life, self improvement, money and much more. Love to Laugh & Read and obviously SLEEP😴