10 Easy-to-Use Alternatives of Google URL Shorteners

Riya Kapoor
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readDec 27, 2022


Do you think those long, lengthy, and messed up links are still in the favorites’ list of users? Well! those disarranged links can really jumble the audience’s minds and make them get distracted from clicking on them.

Certainly, this in turn can make brands/businesses lose hold of their elevating numbers of search appearances & might hamper engagement as well. So, what helps? Here are the top 10 URL shortener alternatives that smoothen your brand-building process.

But before heading to the readings of google URL shortener online, let us make you understand what a URL shortener actually is

What is a URL shortener?

So, think about a tool that customizes elongated things as per your choice and eases out your process to spend or invest time on social media more wisely. Isn’t it all amazing? Basically, a URL shortener does this similar function just like google URL shorteners.

In a broader sense, whether it is a google URL shortener or google URL shortener alternatives- each aids you create a better, enhanced, crisp, and shorter version of the old links. Now when we say “better”, “enhanced”, “crisp”, and “shorter” — it means actually a URL gets elevated & is improved on these parameters. Here is how-

3 Top Features of a short URL

Well! long links stick out like a sore thumb and hit the nerve of disturbing the spectator’s comfort level. No one even we as somebody else’s audience won’t click on the monotonous and lengthy links which natively don’t represent their significance or meaning.

A short link is better than a long one to enhance brand visibility as it is crisp and short which in turn makes it easy to read and remember as well. Moreover, URL shorteners online have the leniency to incorporate brand names which incline to authenticate the brand whilst building more faithful associates.

  • It makes links more customized and memorable
  • At times the URL shortener tracks the links itself
  • Enhances social platforms engagement

10 Easy-to-Use Alternatives of Google URL Shorteners| Marketing Guide

  1. OpenOnApp

The open app is the best link management tool with dynamcy to cater all around & one of the best amongst google URL shortener alternatives for content creators, marketers, brands, businesses, or anybody else. It opens the link to the native application, turns long URLs into short & tailored ones, has a convenient interface, and shows detailed analytics, alongside elevating revenue generation.

2. Bitly

Bitly is another google URL shortener alternate that allows access to manage insights and gives brands the to connect with people in a more enhanced way. With every click, it gives a personalized touch to the content.

3. Rebrandly

Rebrandly is amongst the most-used platforms after Openonapp and Bitly to allow the preparation of custom domain links and sharing the content all around for better & enhanced social networking & building connectivity for brands.

4. Bl.ink

Bl.ink deals is another name that comes in the list of google URL shortener alternatives online. It enhances the users’ ability by providing short, branded, and attributed links to monitor insights as well.

5. GoLinks

One of the great alternatives to google URL shortener is GoLinks which gives the liberty to create short & branded links that help brands perform well and much better than expected.

6. T2M URL Shortener

T2M URL shortener stands firm amongst the crowd of a link management platform that gives a worthy experience of creating custom and branded links & API.

7. Lnnkin

Specifically for brands & businesses searching for a platform that helps them allow measure analytics through custom-link sharing, then Lnnkin is their finest choice.

8. JellyURL

It is so definite that you will search for a number of google URL shortener alternatives to have the desired result sphere. And JellyURL is one of those that help to change URL destinations and even generate QR codes.

9. Lnkiy

Lnkiy is a perfect platform specially dedicated to businesses through its features such as tracking clicks, monitory competitors, etc to make your link building & brand authentication more powerful.

10. Recut

Recut is a free google URL shortener alternative that suits businesses while aiding them to create custom links and scale their business like no other.

To The Bottom Line

Certainly, a shortened URL is intended to catch and attract more attention to the brand. Therefore, be it for any term whether engagement, measuring analytics, watching on clicks ratio, sharing for building the network, or any other purpose short URL’s should be the prior preference.

And if you are one of those who wish to seek google URL shortener alternatives then platforms such as Openonapp, Bitly, Rebrandly, and others such above-mentioned are good to go ones for ahead.



Riya Kapoor
Geek Culture

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