10 Stupidly Hilarious GitHub Repos

When programmers get quirky…

Richard So
Geek Culture
5 min readSep 28, 2021


Image by towzeur on GitHub

1) Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books

Yep, the title says it all. Yep, it's the title image of my article. Yep, it has 7.3k stars on GitHub and counting. What more would you want than your favorite anime waifu holding one of over 100 different programming textbooks?

If you want to fire up photoshop and contribute to this repository, be my (and lanyH’s) guest!

2) stalin-sort

I’m pretty sure sorting algorithms are the bane of everyone’s existence. Luckily, I bumped into this repository which proposes an O(n) time complexity algorithm of sorting arrays!

It’s simple: have a pointer that iterates through the array.

If the current value is smaller than the previous value…send it to the Gulag!

Suggestion: Read the Communist Manifesto before implementing Stalin sort.

3) my-first-calculator.py

Oh god no. Alex, don’t you dare.

4) github-drama

There’s no place where drama doesn’t exist. Here’s a sample of my discoveries while browsing through the repository:

CHILLAX! (Same GitHub issue, btw)

Enjoy! 😋

5) Ti-Basic-BTC-Miner

Nowadays, cryptocurrency is all the craze. Maybe you’d like to hop on the crypto bandwagon too, but you, unfortunately, don’t have the money to make an investment nor buy dedicated GPUs/miners.

What if you can mine Bitcoin…with your trusty TI-83 calculator from high school!?

BlackBip transformed this revolutionary concept into reality by coding a set of scripts written in TI-Basic, executable by any TI-83 or TI-84 CE graphing calculator! Just wait 3 hours for each block hash…

NOTE: The code in this repository won’t actually generate any new Bitcoin since it’s (obviously) too slow; it’ll happily crack old block hashes though!

6) thanos.jar (and thanos-js)

Finally, the only Java executable that matters! Just like Thanos from the Marvel Universe and inspired by the previously-implemented thanos-js, thanos.jar will delete exactly half of all the files in any directory you wish!

Not to mention, thanos.jar also does this recursively by default! This is cool and all, but what really sold me is the elegant, intuitive user interface it comes with. Now let me casually run this program in my root directory…

7) five.js

A JavaScript library that gives you the number five…

…except it’s a JavaScript library.

8) stack-overflow-import

Think about this: why are you doing all the hard work of copy and pasting code from StackOverflow when you can automate it! With StackOverflow Importer, you don’t even need to see the implementation! Just import the Python library, and it’ll automatically scavenge through StackOverflow for the most upvoted code snippet that you’ll have no idea of!

Too easy!

9) how-to-exit-vim

As you know, I’m an avid vim (bindings) user myself. Though, I haven’t managed to exit out of that application since December 2020. Before all hope is lost, Tom Hudson came in clutch with the life-saving bash command to quit Vim once and for all:

:!ps axuw | grep vim | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9

Ever since then, I’ve been intrigued by the plethora of implementations imposed by the community to combat the extreme hardship of terminating Vim. Some of them are as simple as only 40-ish characters!

10) nocode

What an amazing way to conclude this list with: nothing. nocode comes with an overwhelming 0 lines of code, and even better, you can pseudo-deploy it using Docker! As quoted from the author of nocode:

Write nothing; deploy nowhere.

Yep, those are bank code blocks!



Richard So
Geek Culture

https://sorichard.com | BS/MS CS @ Georgia Tech, Class of ’25. Pursuing everything code. Always learning!