12 Front End Performance Patterns You Need to Know

Reduce page load times with these performance solutions

Chris Staudinger
Geek Culture


Front End Performance Diagram Illustration | Created by Author
Front End Performance Diagram Illustration | Created by Author

An increase from a 1 second load time to a 5 second load time increases your bounce rate by 90% (Google, 2017).

There are all kinds of statistics validating how a slow page load time affects your app or site’s ability to attract and retain users or visitors. It doesn’t matter how beautiful or awesome your app or site is. If your page loading times aren’t blazingly fast then say goodbye 👋 to a large chunk of your customers. I think it’s safe to say front end performance is essential to any app or site’s success!

Welcome to part 3 in this series covering how to effectively scale your web application. We’ve already covered how to scale your database, and how to scale your web server in parts 1 & 2 of this series (links below). Part 3 is all about giving you the knowledge and insights into what front end performance optimization patterns are available to us developers and how to effectively determine where and when to implement each solution. There’s quite a lot to it so I’ve taken the time to create a cheatsheet that includes a flowchart to help match the best front end performance optimization solutions to your needs, a detailed comparison table



Chris Staudinger
Geek Culture

Co-Founder of LevelUpCoding and CreatorAmp | Sharing daily educational content with @NikkiSiapno | YouTube channel coming soon