15 Data Science Questions You’re Too Embarrassed To Ask

Don’t Google them in an incognito window. Check the answers here.

The PyCoach
Geek Culture


Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

After writing and publishing more than 100 articles related to data science, people often ask me on LinkedIn/or via email a lot of questions.

I refer to them as questions people are “embarrassed” to ask because I know that behind 1 person who has the courage to write an email to a complete stranger, there are tens or hundreds of readers who still have those questions in their minds (I used to be one of those).

Here are some of them.

1. How much can I earn as a data scientist?

According to Glassdoor, data scientists make an average salary of $104,235 per year in the United States.

But don’t let the numbers fool you! That number may vary from the region, country, position, industry, etc. Like in any other field, you’ll find professionals with a huge paycheck and others who earn way less.

2. What do data scientists actually do?

Overall, a data scientist’s job is to analyze data for actionable insights. They mine, clean data, and build models to answer questions and drive strategy in the organization.



The PyCoach
Geek Culture

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