15 lessons I wish I had known when I was 18

Harsh Makadia
Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2021

I turned 28, every day is an opportunity to keep learning new things.

Here are some of the mistakes I realized lately, however it’s never too late if you understand them today and start doing your best from today.

It’s my birthday!

#1 Invest in writing skills

  • This is the №1 Soft skill that matters the most as you climb up the ladder.
  • Writing is the best way to communicate.
  • It will force you to keep thinking and keep your brain active.

#2 Invest in building a personal brand

  • It helps you to build a reputation.
  • You double down the opportunities and trust factor.
  • Signals credibility to search engines.
  • You will be surprised to see the impact of it as people start noticing you.

#3 Consistency can do wonders

  • If you can be consistent, there is a possibility that you will succeed.
  • It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed before.
  • Not all days are the same, At the end of the day what matters the most is you keep moving.

#4 Never stop learning

  • Keep learning new things.
  • Don’t stop once you master one skill.
  • Learning new skills is like a software upgrade to your brain, the day to stop is the day depreciation starts.

#5 Don’t reply on Luck Factor

  • Remember starting something is the entry fee for getting lucky. And then working harder gets you more tickets so that you win the lottery!
  • If you only rely on luck you are doing it wrong!

#6 Don’t give up

  • Drop by Drop water is filled inside the bucket.
  • If you stop, you will never get what you ever wanted.
  • Take breaks when you feel low instead.

#7 Invest in building portfolio

  • This is the biggest favor you can do for yourself.
  • Your work matters the most in 2021.
  • If you don’t show off your work, people will never know your value.

#8 Overnight success is a scam

  • Never fall for this.
  • Building things take time. Keep the momentum going!
  • Failing overnight is possible but success isn’t.

#9 Your company matters

  • Surround yourself with people who are making better progress than you.
  • This will force you to keep doing better.
  • If your company isn’t great and talking about growth it’s time to think.

#10 Be Confident

  • One thing that you will need more than any form of cash, equity, or asset. It’s Confidence!
  • If you don’t believe in yourself, No one ever will.

#11 Now Matters

  • Tomorrow is overrated and Today is underrated.
  • Start taking action faster, Never ever wait for the right time.
  • That time will never come.

#12 Keep Hustling

  • It will be worth it one day to keep moving.
  • Your efforts will never go in vain, It matter about going ahead even when you don’t feel like it.
  • That’s the point where growth happens

#13 Dream Big

  • The quickest way to kill a big dream is to introduce it to a small mind.
  • Think positive, Take calculated risks.
  • Thinking of your dream is instant motivation.

#14 Learn to say NO

  • Being able to say no is a great way to say no to stress and burnout.
  • It is very important to say no to the right things so you have the time and energy to say yes to the things that really matter.

#15 Be Independent

  • Independence is a great feeling.
  • You know you don’t have to rely on anyone else to make you happy.

Thanks for stopping by and reading this article. I hope you found something interesting.

If you like my content I’m active on Twitter @MakadiaHarsh. I tweet about web development, no-code, and low-code hacks to make developer’s life easy.

Happy learning! 💻 😄



Harsh Makadia
Geek Culture

I talk about JavaScript, Web Development, No-code to help you stay ultra-modern. See you on Twitter — https://twitter.com/MakadiaHarsh